
Suicide threw himself under a passenger train. Why do these guys choose subways or passenger trains for suicide? Why not throw himself under the freight train? At least no one is late for work.
An elderly Indian decided to commit suicide by throwing himself under a train. The disadvantages of this method of suicide are obvious: the train schedule is violated, there is no 100% guarantee of death, and the driver will have to pick out the brains from the front of the locomotive.
The teenager was hit by a train and lost his leg. Surprisingly, he remained conscious, albeit in shock.
The woman was trying to get off the train when the automatic door closed and pinched her leg. Passengers on the platform tried to help but were unsuccessful.
At the Vladykino metro station in Moscow, a man for some reason rammed his head on a passing train. Video. December 2021
An accident at a railway crossing. The man did not notice the approaching train and was run over by the wheels of the locomotive
The decapitated corpse of a man who was hit by a passing train
The she-bear threw herself onto the locomotive in a fit of maternal instinct, protecting her cubs