Photos from the combat areas. Destruction and grief. People in bomb shelters. Padded equipment and corpses of soldiers.
Photos from the combat areas. Destruction and grief. People in bomb shelters. Padded equipment and corpses of soldiers.
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Ukraine fucking sucks!
I will start preparing a large scale brazen bull to put Russian soldiers & their sympathisers in to slowly cook them alive. Slow roasting ensures the meat will be tender and makes for a great stew. This will be fed to the next soldiers waiting in line until it’s their turn.
Fuck you too nigger
lol putting mostly Russian soliders… Why don’t you publish ones with Ukrainian dead? Ukraine and it’s people deserve everything that is happening, you killed 14k+ civilians since 2014, you burned innocent people alive and want to join NATO even you are forbidden to do so. Good riddance <3
What’s wrong with you? Your reasons are limping, but matches your poor understanding. No people “deserve” what the Ukrainians are going through now! Moreover, you cannot bring into evidence, your wild accusations. They remain exaggerations and unsubstantiated rumors, pure dung. And, hey, Ukraine doesn’t need to ask anyone for permission to enter into any agreement or convention with whomever it may be. BTW, what are the benefits for the DPR and LPR of abandoning their independence and joining the Russian Federation as constituent republics? After all, Putin officially recognized the two people’s republics as independent states, right?
What kind of retarded troll are you? Maybe not get you news from Pravda anymore, eh?
Let me explain. Russian soldiers are forbidden to use smartphones, according to this photo, the corpses of Ukrainian soldiers are much smaller. But they are, now we are just updating the materials.
According to the UN, from 2014 to 2021, 3,000 civilians died in the Donbass, mostly in 2014. These are casualties on both sides of the conflict. No need to succumb to Russian propaganda “Ukraine bombed Donbass for 8 years.”
It’s a lie.
No independent and sovereign state can accept that one or more regions tries to brake away from the country by force of arms. That’s civil war. Why should Ukraine allow the separatists to declare new states on its territory? Ukraine has a binding obligation and statutory power to combat the insurgents and to try to restore order. In accordance with international law, of course.
The Donbas separatists had three available paths to take;
1. Negotiating autonomous regions within Ukraine’s borders and jurisdiction. The basic problem was that the separatists felt discriminated against, by the Ukrainian state/Kyiv.
2. Start an uprising and attack everything Ukrainian with weapons in hand, with the aim of separating Donbas from Ukraine.
3. Packing up, emigrate to Russia and start a new community and/or life.
Ill-advised or maybe out of plain stupidity the separatist leaders choose the worst path: the road to hell. And still after 10 years Donbas is well on its way to the inferno of defeat and brutal ending.
So far, the Russians’ efforts have only resulted in more piles of rubble, more ruins, destroyed infrastructure and a great deal of environmental impact, as well as many, many deaths. Is this what the Russians are supposed to leave behind to the separatists? Desolated and ravaged regions, with heavily contaminated environment.