A Palestinian displays the corpse of a baby


The retaliatory attack on the Gaza Strip left many civilians injured. In the video, a Palestinian shows the corpse of a baby killed in an Israeli attack.

Gaza, Palestine, Israel.

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  1. These sand niggers brought it on themself. I feel no pity for them or their children. They wanted death they will get death.

    1. Seig Hail!
      Hitler failed to conquer the world but he sure did wiped out a lot of Jews.

  2. Oh well. I feel nothing for these filthy monkeys.

  3. Deserve it…the Palestinians were beheading children too…hope more to come

    1. they rounded up kids and burnt them to death too, and this is the religion of peace they say, i hope brendan tarrant is released so he can take care of all the muslims one day soon god willing, i have no sympathy for any of them, im done

  4. i agree, they killed 1200 jews in the worst attack since the holocaust, this is the same as 25,000 dead americans out of 315million, if this is israels pearl harbour , and we all remember how the US acted after that, they nuked the japs, by the time this is over, i think between 12,000-25,000 monsters in gaza will be with allah, god willing, they voted in hamas, knowing what hamas was like, so now they have to live with the consequences, BRENDAN TARRANT CHRISTCHURCH WAS 1000% RIGHT in what he did, i feel no pity for any muslim, and i hate russia too because they support iran who supports hamas and hezbollah

  5. the zionist regime kills innocent palestinians women and children .. they train and finance the terror atacks so they can kill more innocent and steal their land and their houses saying God told them to. Israel is a terroris state

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