DEADHOUSE - best gore project since 2003

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Wrench in the anus

During the New Year holidays, a wrench was removed from a man’s anus twice

On New Year’s Eve, a car mechanic came to the clinic and said that there was a wrench in his rectum.

Raped a cow

Russian tourist in Thailand tried to rape a cow

26-year-old Russian citizen Evgeniy Kuvshinov, while on vacation in Thailand, noticed a cute cow. However, everything did not go as the zoophile planned.

Killing of Wagner fighters in Mali

Killing of Wagner PMC fighters in Mali

A group of Wagner PMC fighters was ambushed in Mali. The convoy of vehicles was fired upon by rebels when it crossed the Mali border from the Central African Republic.

A drug addict hacked his father to death with an ax

The drug addict cut off his father’s head and dismembered his body

A drug addict beat up a neighbor, attacked passers-by and police with a knife, and the headless and dismembered corpse of his father was found in his home.

Anal games

A man exploded a gas cylinder in his anus

Anal play with foreign objects will not lead to anything good. However, the man who exploded a gas cylinder in his anus has a different version of events.

Shot in the arm

The guy got shot in the arm

Head Cut Off. Beheading Video

Rebels cut off the head of a soldier

Burnt alive

The dude was burned alive and his ear was cut off

Pepper in the vagina

A girl had a pepper shoved into her vagina

Corpses of Russian soldiers

Bodies of Russian soldiers in a pile of garbage

Execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war

Execution of Ukrainian POW

Russian soldier finishes off a wounded soldier

Russian soldier finishes off a wounded soldier

Corpses of Myanmar Army Soldiers

Corpses of Myanmar Army Soldiers

Terrorist attack in Dagestan

Terrorist attack in Dagestan

Interrogation of Crocus terrorists

Interrogation of the terrorist who carried out the attack on Crocus City Hall

Terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall. Video

Terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall

Hamas terrorists execute traitors

Hamas terrorists execute traitors

Tractor and scooter accident

Amazing Tractor and Scooter Accident

Consequences of a terrible accident

Consequences of a terrible accident

Biker's leg blown off

Biker’s leg blown off

Spectacular accidents 2023

The car sent the woman into a spectacular flight

Brutal public murder

Brutal public murder

Bus driver robbery

Robbery and murder of a bus driver

Attempted robbery. Video

Failed robbery attempt

Brutal murder. Video

Brutal murder with a machete

Dude fucks a cock

Dude fucks a chicken

Dog attacks on people. Video

Dog attack on an elderly woman

Sex with a cow

The tragic result of cow sex play

Dog attacks

Dog attack on a child

Fly larvae in a wound

Fly larvae in a wound

How to remove a dildo if it is stuck?

Removing a homemade dildo from the anus

Shrapnel wound of the thigh

Shrapnel wound of the thigh

How to remove a splinter from a wound

Removing multiple fragments from a soldier’s wound

Real fencing with samurai swords

Sword fencing

Knife fight

Fight with a knife

Disabled people fight

Fight of one-legged disabled people

Mass brawl in Butovo

Young Russian males find out who has the longest penis

Setting myself on fire

A man accidentally sets himself

Worker crushed by coil of wire

Worker crushed by metal reel

Marat is fucking frozen

Marat is frozen

Hindu with a pistol

Drunk Hindu and a pistol

Soldier's suicide

A soldier’s not-so-successful suicide

Drug addict jumped from balcony

A woman under the influence of drugs jumped from the balcony


Hindu man hanged himself from a fan

Suicide live

A man filmed his suicide

The decapitated corpse of a girl

The decapitated corpse of a girl

Fishing in Russian

Fishing in Russian

Myanmar. Dead soldiers.

Myanmar. Dead soldiers

The head of the corpse was eaten by dogs

Corpse slightly damaged by dogs

Genital yoga

Genital Kung Fu

Fat aunt beat up a policeman

Fat naked babe beat up a policeman

Naked drug addict on the street

Naked drug addict threw himself at cars

Dick cut off

A man cuts off his penis with a grinder

Deadly route

Deadly route

In 1975, a group of tourists of 53 people set off along route No. 30 ‘Tourist base ‘Gornaya’ – Fisht Pass – Dagomys’. As a result of a combination of circumstances, 21 people from the group died along the route. This is the biggest tragedy of Soviet tourism.

Pol Pot

Pol Pot. Extreme forms of building socialism

On May 19, 1925, the eighth child was born to a wealthy peasant, Pek Salot. The boy was named Sar. In a few decades, Sar Salot would become known under a different name – Pol Pot, a staunch communist, Maoist and dictator.

Adolf Gitler

Adolf Hitler – dictator, murderer and socialist

On this day, April 20, 134 years ago, Adolf Hitler was born. Adolf Hitler is such an odious person that children are scared by his name. In fact, Adolf Hitler was an ordinary person with his own weaknesses and shortcomings.

The Last Descent ofJ ohn Jones

The Last Descent of John Jones

Cave explorer John Jones tragically died in Nutty Putty’s cave. He got stuck in the narrow passage of the cave and could not get out. His agony lasted 26 hours.

Andrey Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo. ‘Red Killer’

Andrei Chikatilo, also known as the ;Red Killer’, was one of the most brutal serial killers in Russian history. During the period from 1978 to 1990, he killed more than 50 people, mostly women and children.