A soldier’s not-so-successful suicideA wounded Russian soldier decided to commit suicide and shot himself in the head, but missed the brain and had to shoot himself in the head again.
A man filmed his suicideThe man committed suicide by shooting himself in the temple with a pistol. He left a video and a message on Facebook about why he decided to do this.
The girl hung herself on the fanA 14-year-old schoolgirl hanged herself on a fan in the classroom for fear of being punished by her parents.
The guy threw himself under the trainSuicide threw himself under a passenger train. Why do these guys choose subways or passenger trains for suicide? Why not throw himself under the freight train? At least no one is late for work.
Spiderman is no moreThis guy decided to defy gravity with the characteristic result: gravity won.
Double hara-kiriThe suicide ripped open his stomach so that his intestines became visible and tries to cut the carotid artery, but does not get into important vessels.
Indonesian kills himself live on FacebookThe guy killed himself live on Facebook. He tied a rope and hanged himself. Before that, he said goodbye to his loved ones.
Live self-immolationOne Indian yogi decided to check whether Krishna would accept him in the Bhagavata Purana or not. Krishna certainly accepted this soul. As a result of self-immolation, this dude died in agony.
The original way to commit suicide by trainThis guy decided not just to lie on the rails in front of a passing train, but decided to smear himself between the train and the platform.
Student jumped out of window after failing examThe schoolboy jumped out of the window with the characteristic sound of a schoolboy throwing himself out of the window because he had poor results in the exam.