
A possum has snuck into the morgue and is eating the corpse of a large man. At first glance, it may seem that the opossum eats the genitals of a corpse, but this is not so. Pieces of meat from the thigh of the corpse were tastier.
The morgue in Mariupol is overflowing with the corpses of civilians. There is nowhere to put the corpses, they are piled on the floor and at the entrance to the morgue. Video. DEADHOUSE
In the Togliatti morgue, the leadership forces the orderlies and staff to deliberately spoil the corpses. The corpses are taken out of the refrigerators and stacked near the central heating radiators.
The autopsy of a pregnant woman in the morgue died a violent way. Removing the fetus at a late stage of pregnancy
Dead girl in the morgue. Examination of the corpse of an Asian-looking girl with traces of beatings on her face and body. Probably China. Photo
The corpse of a girl in a morgue of Asian appearance with traces of beating. The girl has numerous bruises on her body, knocked out teeth and a split chin
Photo of a beautiful bloody Chinese girl in the toilet. Examination of the corpse in the morgue and fixing the details of the incident
Morgue. Autopsy of a bloated corpse to some degree of decomposition