Terrorists cut off the head of a woman


109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. I hope these bastard would burn in hell.

    1. 我也如此希望,可是不做些什么的话他们只会继续发下一个视频。我本来是反国家的,但现在我认为必须要有国家保护人民,并且需要英雄与他们斗争

      1. 不过谁又能来为动物做主,人类对待牲口的态度可是极其残忍的,他们宁可吃成大胖子也不愿少买些肉类,他们对这些死去的牲口毫无怜悯,我希望他们至少要注意到这一点

      2. 我的反国家大计得放在这群人从世上消失以后再说了,但在那之前,我会先嗝屁

    2. Sure they will
      Google Prison ” Abu Gharib” and see what kind of other animals live among us

    3. running off with the head lol

  2. Sick fool I remember this it was a other video of them rape her she was a police officer they raped and killed her I hope they burn in hell fucking evil cunts

    1. Bunch of niggers. Genocide them all. Fucking subhuman vermin

      1. fUCKING absolutely right!!!! Kill these MOTHERFUCKERs and massacre them. Shoot them all in ghettos and make an Air bombardment. Fucking hell!!!!iiiii. This video was disgusting more than anything i watched on this site.

      2. Shut the fuck up, you retarded inbred honky. A lot of you white privileged degenerate fucking sick fucks brutally rape and kill your own shameful scummy race.

        1. Define white privilege, nigger. Us enjoying benefits of the human race, while you are still living in mudhuts? How is that an insult, stupid nigger? White privilege is a compliment. It means we are successful, and you are living in your little ghetto crying because the police K9 is tearing your father’s balls off, before he gets shot.

          1. couldn’t have said that better

            darkies are the race that got left behind

  3. This one basterd was like: gime the head man gime the head man…
    When he finally got it he ran away like a mad one going on a damn crazy trip.
    Probably thought bangbangbangbangbang that fucking head.
    That nigger made my fucking day.

  4. Does anyone just have a video a a woman being raped ffs send it to me pls

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