Cooking cat mince


The flayer put the cat in a mixer and decided to make minced meat from the cat. True, the cat was still alive while minced meat was being made from it.

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. only a dead cat is a good cat.
    Brutality at his finest.

    1. tell me that you are a fucking pussy retard without telling me you are a FUCKING PUSSY RETARD.

      1. Cry more, Internet_Tough_Guy. Dead Cat is always a good cat. Lool.

        1. The only useful whore is your dead whore mother. I’d pay to watch her be raped while she screams begging for death. Hahaha

          1. Ok. As you wish. I’ll go on with my cat elimitating job then. All cats are trash.

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO thats so fucking horrible wtff is wrong with these chinese pigs shit motherfuckers how the fuck they can even think about doing this kind of fucked up shits ohh god that was so horrible, i wanna puke righ tnow …as im typing this tears are streaming down my eyes as this was the most burtal and DISGUSTING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN, oh my god whoever did this shalll pay and I HOPE THAT THEY ROTE IN HELL FOR ETENEINTY

    1. Éljen az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia és a Német Császárság!
      Az első világháborút a központi hatalmaknak kellett volna megnyernie! Akkor erős és gazdag közép európa lenne most nagyhatalomként.
      Most Magyarország egy pici gyenge és szegény ország ahogy az összes szomszéd országok is. Éljen a Monarchia! II.Vilmos német császár a történelem egyik legjobb embere, a mostani Németország szégyent hoz
      a Nagy Német Császárságra!

  3. I mean it’s sad and all but why???? I’m not really angry just confused as fuck, is it fun doing this??

    1. Yeah bro, didnt you have fun while watching it? It would be better if you were the one doing it

  4. A heavily, multiple medicated, unstable war veteran. Serving from 98 to 01. After serving, was immediately locked up. Was in for 2 years, then out! Had to bring trouble to a few people a few months later that landed 20 years. 26 years of this 48 year life locked up in one way or another for violent acts committed on deserving individuals. Men, Women, Seniors to Teens. Got lucky to be released a couple times, but was right back in due to the inability to successfully keep in non hostile environments.
    Hating all humans and not only wanting them eradicated, but wanting to take a bite out of each eradicated humans flesh. So to say they’re not only erased from fucking existence, but they and their families flesh was consumed as was their souls, so to be shit out.
    Half a nano motherfuck is given about all these fuck all humans that post animal torture or accept footage of animal torture on their sites. They will happen to end up no more than piles of fucking meat to mix with their families piles of remaining fucking meat.
    Give human suffrage and annihilation of human meat. Fuck humans and their offspring. Human death is a War Art and is absolutely beautiful. But Animal torture is an open invitation for all to hunt you and all you care about.
    You see, torturing animals (to armies of veteran war cannibals that hunt animal abusers) is a justifiable implication of seek and destroy (with all the military surplus and arsenal we have unlimited access) to hunt IP’s, serve armed aggressive cease and desists, detain all at the site hosting animal torture videos and back track upload information and get physical addresses to the producers of the animal torture video/s, as well as the distributors and purchasers of the animal torture video.
    An off book, privately funded, military intelligence of leads and targets and military armament in any form we need to stop all of you.
    Eradicating every person at every website that posts animal torture. In the States, We will be inside of you rearranging your insides in to oblivion over the next 3 years. Though we have been in operation a while already. So you fucks might not have 3 years. Your entire life will be snatched from you any minute of any day. Outside of the States we have been in target erasing for quite a many years. Blades will get angle anchored into the rib cages of those that do know who the animal torturers are. And balance will be brought to the equation with blood covered bare fucking hands. Just like ripping and crushing evil torturous fucks over in Afghanistan for abusing their Cats and Dogs.

    Try us. We are on every continent. We can be in any city, inside any home or business within 24 hours to neutralize problems we deem necessary to obliterate.

    Please go on and give us hard on’s by giving a reason to come collect flesh without anesthesia. If you’re too pussy to surrender your flesh, we’ll gladly take it.
    FROM ANY ANIMAL ABUSER AGAINST THEIR WILL. We do not fear your god or any fucking god. So we sure as fuck do not fear any of you. Most of us blow heads off of evil fucks like you before we’ve even joked around with each other before breakfast.

    1. Have you eliminated the Chinese culprits? Post proof. Do reply in time.

    2. What a load of batshit. Try to mess with us, the utube troll police, YFGA, foodism will unite as one and dox and remotely host hack anyone that stands in our way. So shut the fuck up faggot, this video is funny, I wish all cats and dogs died. Fucking useless eater.

    3. How long ago was the last time you’ve seen your therapist?

    1. Хороший мальчик)

  5. LMAOOOOOO I’m laughing so hard right now. Total cat death

      1. Stop yapping nigga no one will read ts

  6. Kill yourself. No really, kill yourself. You serve zero purpose. This post serves no purpose. This post degrsdes you as a human, and you know what? Even a species.

    (please do not abuse cats.)

  8. What are they cooking? They could have at least added some vegetables. I don’t think I would like to eat that.

    1. Yes bro they should add some spices also

    2. They had to put it in boiling water first to get rid of its fuz

  9. gatos de mierda, lo mismo hay que hacerle a los que no dejan dormir x las noches xd

  10. This shit made me laugh looll 🤣 The way it begs to be let out 💀

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