You don’t like cats? You just don’t know how to cook them!


The process of gutting a cat and showing the uterus of an animal with unborn kittens. Remember this video when you buy shawarma on the street.

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. Kind of dissapointing that you didn’t draw a line for this type of content. Even theYNC funnels their animal tagged vids into “Underground”.

    1. Author

      These are their problems

      1. They also don’t upload child porn. Are you going to upload that as well?

        1. Author

          If this was a child porn site, I would upload child porn. But the site is not about that.

          A few months ago, there was news that a Russian contract soldier was sticking a mascara brush up the anus of a baby.
          We uploaded this uncensored video and immediately received a lot of criticism. This video has now been removed.

          This is a slippery topic. Probably if there is any hardcore about children we will upload such a video, but in general I have a negative attitude towards child pornography.
          Children are fucked by those who have a too small penis and not everything is in order with their brains.
          Approximately such a position.

          1. First let me make it clear before I get misunderstood: I don’t want you to upload child porn.

            I think you’re being loyal to a fault here. Why would you upload CP if you have a bad feeling about it? Loyality to some principle or something? Surely you have a political agenda as well, so if there’s anything all of us across the world can agree on, no matter our race, political position, religion, is that kid fuckers are amongst the lowest of the low, if not the lowest. And there’s no reason to host that sort of content. It’s not like you’re getting money for it. In fact, the US government has tried passing laws in congress, undermining Net Neutrality, under the guise of fighting child predators.
            The government regulating the internet, imagine that scenario.
            So it’s a serious subject, and personally I wouldn’t dare upload shit including kids/babies, as you have. I still sometimes run into thumbnails of some implicit material on this site lol.

            Also, don’t take any of this the wrong way, I’m just voicing my opinion. I just commented initially because I hate animal abuse. I’d rather watch 20 hours of skull pickaxing or disemboweling no problem.

          2. Author

            Of course, we will not publish explicit child porn. Of course not. But I am not bound by the laws of the United States, so we allow publications with children.

            You have already seen publications here with accidents involving children. This is and this is the truth of life, and we show life as it is and do not bashfully cover up photographs hiding behind false morality.

            And if you see censored photos or videos here, it’s only because we didn’t find uncensored media.

            In my country, too, there are quite strict laws regarding child pornography, but now everything is quite complicated because we left Russia with our project.

            So it turns out that we are somewhere between the laws and use this opportunity -)

      2. Jesus, ignore all the pansies. It’s free speech, post real uncensored news. Like you said, never any child porn, but accidents do happen to children and animals and should be allowed

        1. Say, honestly, do you enjoy this shit above?

  2. Is watching Child Porn bad or criminal ?

    1. Criminal. Don’t watch child porn.

    2. Why the fuck are you watching cp in the first place

    3. only niggers watch child porn, dont be a nigger.

      1. Most Child Pornographers are white BTW. Evidence is on the Dark Web and Element by Matrix.

  3. Probly dirty scum of the earth asian, chinese. We pray for all of China human scum to die painfully asap.

    1. This is a site for people who enjoy murder. Not an Asian hate group. There are so many different videos of people doing horrible things on this site, but you point out the fact that he is Asian???

  4. Well its a funny title but a bit dissapointing I wanted to know how to properly cook cat fetuses

  5. Tis is disgusting, this MF ugly asain fag needs to have his balls chopped off and shoved down right his throat. I hope this pile of shit die BY ISIS!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

    And also cats and dog

  6. ya rebk rani nchof fi lvideo w 9eti rah 9edami hhhhh

    1. Malazemch tkon lhna
      Ghir 9bil chwiya cheft street dogs slicing a 6 months old cats to pieces

      1. How many fucking languages is that? Are you people retarded or something?

  7. Was this for kicks or is he gonna eat it ??

  8. oigan…verán la verdad quizás sea enfermo y la verdad me gusta el gore aunque… cuando es de maltrato animal no me gustaría ni un minuto prefiero ver 24 horas de desmembrar un cadaver a que ver que le hagan esto a un animal inocente y mayormente a uno de los animales mas especiales para el mundo incluso otras paginas gore que son aun mas fuertes se encargan de que no haya maltrato a los animales solo miren habian matado a su madre cuando ni siquiera el crecimiento de sus gatitos pequeños habia terminado no quisiera que le hagan esto a los animales miren si quieren pueden subir absolutamente lo que sea de gore pero que no sea con animales por favor ademas se que no soy el unico que aqui de verdad se esta poniendo terriblemente mal al ver animales inocentes siento estripados…a si que por favor detengan un poco el gore a los animales no estoy seguro si me este explicando bien no pido que todo se forme un caos ni busco problemas solo quiero que no le hagan esto a animales

    1. por cierto puse esa imagen sin querer

    2. Pues ni los animales y personas merecen eso, yo soy de ver muy seguido de este tipos de videos pero no lo hago por morbo, solo medito sobre eso y también ver hasta que punto puede llegar la maldad humana, y estoy dejando de ver seguido gore porque no me quiero convertir de esas personas que insultan a cualquiera o discriminan,

  9. Shut the fuck up and speak English you pedophile spic. You are as worse as Anglos, Ruskies, Ukrops, and Krauts who upload CP and talk about it on Element. Fucking off yourself, dumbass.

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