Killing a woman


The woman was killed for talking to the police. The location is unknown. Latin America

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. Witness the pinnacle of Socialism. Bask in its benevolence and reverence for human life. [deep breath] That we could all live under such magnanimous rule.

  2. How I hate Venezuela ppl they are like the cancer of world. There’s nothing good on em, men are animals, thieves, rapists, assassins and women are all hoes, please clean the world from these illness called Venezuela

    1. Useless stupid shitskins evolyed to suck dicks, their life has no value at all deserve nothing but death, her death has no meaning dirty hoe deserves a more painful death the world would been a better place if these ugly animals were wiped ot

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