Husband killed wife and lover in bed

The husband killed his wife and lover, forcing them in bed. The dead bodies were discovered by the police.

The husband killed his wife and lover, forcing them in bed. The dead bodies were discovered by the police.

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. That cunt and whore deserved it.

    1. Why? Because no girl likes to fuck you incel wizard piece of shit? By your logic, any insult deserves death, so you should be put against a wall as well.

      1. surprised a roastie like you can hop off the cock carousel long enough to find the comment section on this site. the world is full of surpses

        1. You must have misspelled incels (dot) is when using your browser.

          Adultery is a crime in many countries or a civil tort. It doesn’t carry a death sentence though.

          Cheating is shitty, but murder is far worse. Have you ever considered the fact that your toxic attitude towards women and not your base appearance is what keeps you from getting laid and the fact people have recreational sex doesn’t create your fictional construct ot “cock carousel.”

          Ask yourself why women don’t go for you. Is it your outward appearance, or is it the fact that you suck at basic grooming, or the fact you use the language of a group that by definition has given up and draws assumptions about women that are based in sad bastard fan fiction. You don’t have to look like a 10, every guy except for extreme cases can be a 7. However, your attitude makes you a 0, not your looks.

    2. NIce tits tho! Fap fap fap fapfap fappity fapfap

  2. the husband was so ugly lol dont be suprised if ur ugly and a girl cheats

      1. i dont know about you old woman, but i only fuck and abuse boys

  3. Why kill them? Just break up. Leave that’s it move on now he has to spend the rest of his life in prison! Was she really worth it?? There are so many other girls come on! ?

    1. That would be the rational thing to do but him perhaps being in love, which is basically akin to being a heroin addict, having his source of joy stripped away, on top of being cucked and all the social stigma that goes with that, creates an impulsive emotional state of anger, sadness, confusion, vengefulness etc.
      Just look when people road rage. You’re in a car and in a subconsciously heightened state of mind, you’re tense and any little mistake can get you pissed off way quicker than if you were on foot let’s say. People get out and take out bats and crowbars wanting to hurt the other person (you can imagine the damage done with bats and crowbars).
      Now imagine finding your significant other cheating on you, and what you would be prepared to do.

      In short: Neurochemistry can sway you one way or another more than you think.

      1. That’s true I’ve been with my other half awhile now & if her cheated on me after so many years I wouldn’t do this but I can understand where that emotional violent outburst would come from ?

  4. Hay que aceptar que la tipa estaba buena, una lastima que la matar

  5. I hate it when any woman gets killed on top of it she was pretty but she called for it herself
    I too would kill my lover if they cheat on me after I had cut their little pp and fed it to them to choke on it … I love them so much

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