Man having sex with a horse

Man having sex with a horse
Man having sex with a horse

A man who had sex with a horse caught the eye of casual eyewitnesses.

The incident took place on May 17 in the vicinity of Carasillo. An act of bestiality was caught in the lens of a cell phone camera. The precedent sparked a heated discussion in Whatsapp groups, and a statement was filed with the police.

The suspect was identified as a local resident suffering from a mental disorder.
An investigation is underway.
Carasillo, Brazil.


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  1. White people always have sex with animals. What’s the big deal? We love it! Mind your fucking business.

    1. Your wrongs!
      Not white people have sexe with animal.. It’s Taliban, Pakistan and peoples around this countries and related everything the last word beginning with capital letter

  2. fucking a horse?
    are you seriously kidding me man

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