An 11-year-old schoolgirl threw herself out of a window during an online broadcast. The girl was pushed to suicide by misunderstanding on the part of adults. The schoolgirl was probably gay because her status on the social network indicates that she is married to a girl. However, this may be a joke.
In the video, the girl says goodbye to subscribers and viewers, jumps out the window. There is a scream and a thud.

Saratov, Russia.
name for girls?
Lera Borishenko is her name.
Very sad. A waste of a life
Yes very sad, what a shame. Even more so when one is so young.
She’s white & dead. Good riddance
Ah another jealous nigger keep on being jealous of a people you dare not admit you admire you ugly useless animal look at your name haha so jealous at least we ARE kings not a walking dog turd ho ho ho stay salty it’s the best!
“kings” with a receding hairline at 20, declining birth rate and highest welfare receivers…
And the most powerful nations on the planet in all of history.
Yes, “Kanye”, we are kings, and emperors. And you niggers, are our slaves. Don’t kid yourself, you are our slaves even today. You do the shit grunt work, like the draft animals you are. Here’s an example of a king: King Leopold II. The one to initiate the Scramble for Africa, where 7 European countries colonized your whole continent from 1881 to 1914 and plundered and raped you so bad that even today it’s debated whether you’ll ever be the same.
When someone thinks of a nigger, first thing that comes to mind is starving kids in Africa in the 21st century, undeveloped primitive nations, a bunch of animals that need to be put in order by the white police in the US, drinking cow piss and living in mud huts, an uncivilized primitive offshoot of the homo sapiens race with an undeveloped frontal lobe (the brain area that seperates man from animal).
When someone thinks of the white man, first thing that comes to mind is human civilization, order, technological and cultural development. The face of mankind. The conquerors of the world and asserters of their own way of life.
Look, you are even speaking our language today, nigger. Do you know your native language? You don’t have a slightest clue, do you? Maybe your slave cotton-picking grandparents knew, but that information is long lost now, unfortunately for you.
At least lets fuck first brfore u died
Look at this shit. This guy beat some white folks a their own game (disparaging us niggers) & now they got the nerve to be trolling & acting like their offended. I mean cant ya’ll “lighten up” a lil & have a since of humor? I know Trump lost & all & Biden gives no phuck ya’ll gotta pay $6 for diesel to fuel your CUMMINS Dodge up. But give this man a break! Throwing wellfare recipients in there is just abhorrent, picking on folks too sick or underskilled to work is just sad!
wtf are you talking about retard lol
That gon be me
She is mot even white, you stupid nigger. She is a fucking mutt and doesn’t look like a White Slav at all.
Just goes to show how racist and ignorant you are…good job
that’s crazy I can tell you have no father figure no friends and definitely no bitches
One..Two… Okay okay
Demon: Welcome to Hell
In stay status: Permanent
Expiration: Non ? Infinite
Class: Suicide
Torture type: 4th class
Classe no inferno?
Try NOT making jokes
Wow, this is just like Rorochan’s suicide, I didn’t know about this one though
Sad indeed
Can’t handle criticism so she kills herself. The cycle continues. The weak must die to keep the species strong…
I doubt it was just criticism from her elders. 11-year-olds, young and sensitive they may be, usually don’t just kill themselves like that
It seems that she began to realize her homosexuality and was under pressure from her parents.
She survived
noob 1/10
She survived which is cool
How do you know? Is there any articles about this?
She survived. There are a couple online articles about it. Probably because of her light weight, gravity was kind to her. She was injured pretty bad though.
Do you have any link or name of article about it?
This is a short note in the news. There is a screenshot of this girl’s comment that sheds some light on events.
In this comment, she hints that her parents beat her for bad grades at school, humiliate her for her sexual orientation, and say that she is a fool.
By the way, this girl survived the fall.
Lera responds to a comment on a social network:
Kirill Prilutsky:
Lera Borisenko
Article is on a Russian site called “Bad News 18+”.
Could someone give me a link to the article? I tried looking for her but nothing shows up
Nerf miner
Pedo like you needs to have aids, Ebola, monkey pokes, rabies and all shit diseases before a faggot like you die. Nigger
dumb ass faggot pedo
She jumped from the 9th story building and survived, last article on her she was in intensive care unit in Saratov. How can someone survive a fall from that height is remarkable. I hope she recovers to have a fulfilling life
To ‘final solution’,
Whites are most powerful nations? Yeah right. You people were the first to be injected with the ‘vaccine’. You are weak motherfuckers whom are basically fucked by your elite. What’s with all your ‘education’ and ‘first world’ luxuries when your elite just fuck you about like a rag doll.
If strength is number 1 to you, then overpowering you and stabbing you in a dark alley one night would be appreciated by you, before moving on to doing the same to your family….and let you watch.
He who lives by the might of violent power justifies the means by which his own end might be brought about. In other words, white people have justified their own killing by what they deem to be the epitome of civilisation. White civilisation is murderous and barbaric. All the world wars, murderous embargoe, ‘vaccines’…..and you produce the greatest evil people in the world from Hitler to Biden to Bill Gates….and you can’t do shit about that. You’d fuck anything that movies with lgbt, kill babies with prochoice, and men and women marrying their own genders. What next? Fuck you own parents and your dog.
Do humanity a favour and kill yourselves. You are just a bunch of rabid albino monkeys
Dumb cunt.
Ahem! You are a fucking piece of shit nigger who lives on welfare Along with your dirty shitskin family, whom our forefathers raped and sold to slavery markets. Your race never stood a chance against us you fucking subhuman monkey. Now do me a favour and tell me your native language ( which you don’t have) son? Most of the gangs and mafia is run by your pathetic race and you groom white kids to do drugs and teach them your filthy acts. Interesting thing is that you are in either America or European countries, which to an extent , allows freedom of speech that in turn gives you access to internet through which you are able to write your shit on a Russian website. White civilization built the BEST possible Society that one can imagine, let it be anything from building beautiful roads, houses to huge skyscrapers that your filthy race couldn’t HAVE ever imagined because you live in jungle eating banana and raping monkey ( your kind). AND yes we are superior ??? go cry about it fucking loser. WHYYYYYY primitives couldn’t fought back when we came to kill them? Where their superiority were gone? Why they didn’t use gun, firearms , bombs ? Why did they used sticks and stone?
Most of the degeneracy you described is leftwing M.O, which white nationalists don’t agree with. Browse this website more and see what I have to say about LGBTQ, the elites, etc.
As far as” might makes right”, notice the difference in your example and mine: we came from the outside, clearly distuinguishable from you, and waged war etc. You are talking about sneaking around in the dark and stabbing me when I’m not looking. Akin to a kike. That’s your last resort anyway. That’s not really might now is it.
Also, “albino monkeys”? Really? Are you deluding yourself that whites aren’t the most attractive race of all? Be real
A vast segment of intellectual development of the contemporary western world is due to European and American Jews, who you refer to as “kikes” and whom you hate to the utmost degree. Einstein and Schrödinger were Jews, Soviet Missile scientists were majority Jews (Leningrad Polytechnic and Russian S.F.S.R. Defense Ministry, 1977), and so were the scientists of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the Untied States (NASA, U.S. Congress, 1999). Jewish Industrialist Andrew Carnegie also literally built the American Steel Industry, while Jewish Buffet, the Jewish Rothschild family literally owns and commenders vast segments of the American political establishment. The very system which you cherish and claim to be the pinnacle of “white European” supremacy along with technological innovations that accompany that claim are shown to be a very large portion the innovation and industriousness of the Jewish people, especially the Ashkenazi Jews, a group that you hate to the utmost extent.
Also, in a preemptive response to your very likley to be introduced argument that I am a “nigger”, “sand-nigger” or “kike”, and that I “am colonized and do not know my native language” or that I “am using the white man’s english language because I am inferior”, I am not from Africa or the Middle East, as I am from China, and my native language is Chinese, a language that you cannot speak as you do not possess the mental or intellectual capabilities to grasp this 5000 year complex language.
Here, lets compare the numbers. Go ahead, count the kikes and tell me the ratio.
Also, look up Operation Paperclip, and how many Nazi scientists were taken to the US.
Kurt Heinrich Debus, once a V-2 rocket scientist, John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson in 1962 at a briefing at Blockhouse 34, Cape Canaveral Missile Test Annex.
You say a “vast segment”. That’s bullshit. Some of it, yes, but not a major piece of it.
What about the porn industry? What about Epstein, the origins of the ADL, Zuckerberg the piece of shit, many LGBTQ “leaders” being ousted as pedophiles?
Yes I hate them to the utmost extent and I will continue to do so, because I can read a people when I see them and I can gauge people’s collective group-think. Or did you think you convinced me because Einstein? Let me ask you, how many of these affluent jews you mentioned have contributed all of that from Israel? Oh, 100% of them studied in European universities, in civilized powerful Europe? Color me surprised…
I don’t possess the mental capabilites to grasp Chinese?
Nay, it’s just that there’s no need to learn Chinese for me, or anyone except for Chinese people. You see, the point is, the majority of the Internet is in English. Everything worth reading is written in English. That’s why you learned English in the first place yourself. How many of you come to study in Europe and the US? Compared to how many of us come to study in China?
Reply to “Final Solution” #2-230820
Jewish scientists represented 27% of the United States Nobel Prize winners while only representing 3% of the general population. (Zuckerman H., June 1977)
Jews accounted for a disproportionately high fraction of the Soviet Union’s leading scientists, as demonstrated by membership records of Soviet Academy of Science, recognizeble by their Jewish names. Well over 42 percent of Soviet nuclear, chemical and materials science engineers were Jewish by their names, dispite only representing 1.5% of the Soviet population in 1964 (U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, July 1964) (U.S.S.R. Census Bureau, August 1959)
Ashkenazi Jews residing in the continental United States
and the former Soviet Union also possess a much higher median intelligence when compared with white western and northern European Americans, which matches their disproportionate contribution of science in relative terms of their population size. (Hardy J., Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence, January 2002) This effectively dismantles your fallacious sense of superiority of your north (or western) European heritage.
In fact, humans of east Asian descent possess also a higher intelligence than that of white Europeans, as demonstrated by 5 post 1990 studies conducted on Asians in the United States. (Lynn R., The Intelligence of East Asians: A Thirty-Year Controversy and its Resolution, June 2006) You might argue that east Asians in the United States are only the best of the best and cannot be representative of the entire east Asian population, yet the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China conducted a study on children (ages 8~11) residing in both rural and urban areas of 31 provinces and municipalities to determine the correlation between iodine deficiency and child cognitive development. The results found that both rural and urban children in almost all Chinese provinces with the exception of Tibet and Hainan possess a higher Intelligence than that of white Americans. (Ministry of Health of the P.R.C., 碘缺乏对我国31省儿童智力发展的影响因素, December 2006) The average for rural children in Shaan’xi was 107±2.1 points, while the average for white Americans was 101±1.8 points. Put simply, a child from a poor farmer family probably has a higher intelligence that phenotypically resembles you.
However, the question of civilizational development emerges. European civilization has no doubt reached levels of sophistication never observed in human history, but this is not due to the intelligence of white Europeans, but rather institutional designs. The Chinese, with our high intelligence successfully developed a centralized civilization that could build irrigation works, maintain roads and maintain basic bureaucratic function centuries before any white European like you figured out how to maintain a large functioning centralized state, as with the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty in B.C. 1046, while Greece only emerged from the Greek early Neolithic culture at around B.C. 900. (Besides, you probably wouldn’t even consider Greeks white, as they resemble more the Turks and Levant Arabs more than northern Europeans) Traditional blonde and blue-eyed white Europeans northern European only figured out how to write a millennia after Sun-Tzu wrote the Art of War in B.C. 475. People like you were roaming around like savages while we had a flourishing of literature, astronomy and politics, and constructed thousands of miles of irrigation and navigational canals, the great wall and built dikes along the yellow river. The first sighting of Halleys comment was recorded over Kaifeng in Henan in B.C. 239, while white Europeans like you were still probably cannibalizing each other and chasing wild pigs.
However, the inherent nature of Chinese centralized bureaucracy is to suppress opposition and critics, and with that there exists a Luddite regime that opposes development and scientific advances, creating a self perpetuating system of stagnant feudalistic society, which therefore lagged behind Europe during the onset of the industrial revolution. (Lynn R., The Intelligence of East Asians: A Thirty-Year Controversy and its Resolution, June 2006)
You link the Jews to a extensive network of conspiracy theories, including the linking of a Jewish deep state and a pedophilloic child trafficking ring. The evidences that you bring up to support this claim is isolated in nature and cannot be used to prove either the existence of nor the implication of powerful American Jews in such actions. By this it can be reasonably suggested that you are a white resident of the American South, within the drainage basin of the Mississippi River.
All that intelligence on paper, a 4000+ year old civilization, 1.4 billion of you “superior” people, yet, still dont come close to us Whites, who number around 1 billion.
You know who else got a Nobel Peace Prize? The nigger Obama, who dropped white phosphorus on kids in Afghanistan.
Henry Kissinger, Elie Wiesel, Nelson Mandela.
You live in fucking fantasies, just like the niggers. You delude yourself with all sorts of mental gymnastics. It’s just a coping mechanism. Look for “awards” and fucking “IQ tests”, whilst you live in shit and flock to Europe and the US, away from your savage-ridden dictatorship.
Thanks for Covid by the way, you neanderthals. Who eats bats but a subhuman savage?
The US which is just 350 million people, and not all of them are White, has a 26 trillion $ GDP this year,
whilst China numbering 1.4 billion of you half-men has 19 trillion $.
So when did you land on the moon since you’re so intellectually superior? There’s a US flag up there since 1969. Still waiting.
Most of your technology is just stolen intellectual property from the US and Europe. How is that “intelligent”?
Where did the Industrial Revolution start? Who invented everything that makes your miserable farmer life today possible and tolerable?
Who is at the forefront of science and culture?
The Chinese I’ve seen behave like absolute subhumans. Not even remotely civilized. Should be lucky we are more civilized and don’t beat the living shit out of them on the street.
Which would be very easy, seeing that you’re 1.6m and 60kg, the size of the girls I fuck. I remember this South Korean 35 year old lady in Germany once, she really likes tall strong white men. Mind you, she’s older than me, but that wasn’t an issue.
“Conspiracy theories” – a great way to paint truth and facts as “theories of some crazy person”. So did they not do what I said? Are those fabrications? Or do you not know how to use Google?
You blame the Chinese political system. Is it my fault? If you were so intelligent, you would have foreseen that a repressive government would lead to stagnation down the road, but no, you only think 1 day ahead, superior intelligent man.
Opium Wars:
“In the early 1800s, opium was being illegally imported into China (mainly by
Britain), which eventually sparked confrontations over foreign trade. China’s
rulers, the Qing Dynasty, badly misjudged their strength in relation to Britain,
which used “gunboat diplomacy” to force China to open to international trade. ”
“The “gunboat diplomacy” that followed saw China
lose a series of battles across two wars, with the Qing
forced to make severe concessions in what became
known as the “unequal treaties.” These stoked
resentment in China and inflicted lasting humiliation
that even today affects Chinese relations with
Western powers. The damage to the prestige of the
Qing Dynasty undermined their mandate to rule,
instigating the series of colossal rebellions that
would convulse and eventually destroy imperial
Hey, I would have an inferiority complex too.
You really think logograms are conducive to clear thinking, rather than the roman and cyrillic scripts that our bibles are written on? Heathen dog-eating scum, you don’t even think about how you are just a brain that one day will return to the void, you see the symbol 中国 but you can’t even grasp the true reality of your country, your ontological horizons are so limited, you are like a child in your understanding of good and evil.
Reply to “LIBTARDWRECKER” #1-230820
Yes I do believe that logograms are conductive to clear thinking, as demonstrated by the existence of the Art of War composed by Sun-Tzu, written in logograms, the first recorded sighting of Halley’s comment over Kaifeng in B.C. 239, instructions on how to construct dams and levees, and exact documentations of the flow path and the sedimentation deposits of the yellow river written in logograms.
Ask yourself, what has been written in roman and cyrillic scripts during that time?
Nothing, of course, as roman and cyrillic scripts didn’t exist then (excluding the existence of primitive neolithic Greek symbols), because white Europeans were fucking monkeys then, and still monkeys, albiet much more sophisticated monkeys now.
I have eaten dog meat in Yulin and Nanning before, and I see no problem in consuming the flesh of canine mammalian animals in the same way you see no problem in consuming the flesh of a beef cattle that are Bovidae mammalian animals.
Can you grasp the reality of your country, albino caucasoid? Do you even understand even a word in the Congressional Bills that get passed in Congress? I suspect that you couldn’t event comprehend the first five pages of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (PUBLIC LAW 116–260—DEC. 27, 2020) without your feeble nim-witted cognitive organ malfunctioning upon the input of complex legal english.
when you see the strings of symbols “操你妈你个臭傻逼” you cannot help but insert it into a google translate machine to observe the information conveyed by a human to a monkey.
A French political cartoon in 1898, China – the cake of Kings and Emperors, showing Queen Victoria of Britain, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Marianne of France and a Japanese samurai dividing China. “Kiao-Tchéou” and “Port-Arthur”, written on slices of the cake, represent those locations in China; a stereotyped mandarin reacts with horror in the background.
We’ve been fucking these imbeciles before they knew where Europe was on the map
Bruh noob hahahaha
Tell me Chineses when we were busy sending people to the moon, or at least faking sending people, what were you doing then? Oh that’s right, cultural revolution. Mass political psychosis. Torture, rape, murder, cannibalism. Real cunfucian values. And it’s not only because you were in the grip of communism. Russia (white) was first in space! Despite having been invaded by Nazi Germany greatest military force the world ever saw despite millions dead in famine and gulags.
Even now Russia to your north with about 10% the population would destroy you militarily. See how effective Sun Tzu is! I wonder if they pay more attention to Sun Tzu, or Clausewitz in your military. The worst part is, you know I’m right you yellow snakes and what’s more, that I live in a free nation blessed by God to rule the world forever and you live in a totalitarian backwater. Now go ahead and look out your tiny 50 story apartment window and cry moar you limp-wristed 弯男.
You are mistaken about the dangerous power of Russia, especially towards China.
Very slowly, China is conquering the Russian Far East. Numerous concessions, exports of timber, water, gas, natural resources.
Silent expansion. Chinese men are happy to marry Russian girls.
Sooner or later there was a clash of interests between Russia and China.
And given the fact that 99% of electronics for Russia is supplied by China, this will not be a long battle.
Between the Chinese called Russia “Our Elder Brother” now they say “Russia is our little sister”.
The more China expands, the bigger of a target it becomes for us.
The women in those backwood areas are poor and are happy to marry to some businessman even if he is a half-man chink.
The marriages are probably shit seeing that the women are as big as the “men”, and the “men” have dicks the size of a Russian’s index finger.
“Russia is our little sister”. They say that really or did you just hear that from paranoid Russians?
It’s really hard for me to take them seriously, they’re so physically frail and pathetic, that it’s hard to assume that such a nation will ever be a threat to anyone.
I mean, think about it, you think the typical chink has the courage or mentality to ever make some big move in any avenue of life? They oopress their women because of insecurities, they obey everything blindly because they’re cowards, they are just all around weak.
In any case of combat, they will tuck tail and run off, or simply attack from behind and in groups like cowards.
They look at the white man and awe in amazement, fear and respect. Subconsciously they know their place in the pecking order, as does everyone.
Look at their history, social dynamics between man and woman, their war record, and this psychoanalysis will make perfect sense. They are in big numbers and prefer silent creep strategies because they’re pussies. This is a great insight into who you’re dealing with.
No, these are not the speeches of Russian paranoids. This was told by a Russian sinologist who has been studying China for 20 years. I have no reason not to trust his words.
The Chinese authorities tacitly encourage such marriages. Russian authorities give Chinese business a green light.
Chinese companies are cutting down the Far Eastern taiga, and the timber is sold on the foreign market.
A pipeline has been built that pumps Baikal water to China.
For millennia, China has been dissolving powerful empires within itself. China has dissolved the empire of Genghis Khan. China has dissolved the Japanese invaders in itself, China will dissolve the Russian Far East in itself.
No, they won’t capture anything. Just one day the Russian Far East will become part of China.
And then a direct collision is possible. Its result is clear judging by the fact that Russia cannot capture Ukraine, which is 5 times smaller in territory and 4 times smaller in population.
A direct military clash between Russia and China is however a few orders of magnitude more serious than Russia sending in troops into Ukraine to annex some land.
That would be a Chinese invasion of Russia, and maybe nukes would actually be on the table.
Because major powers of the world clashing with each other is serious shit. Ukraine is a sheep on the greenlands amongst lions. Lions attacking other lions tends to be slightly different.
Also, how exactly do you envision Russian east territories being annexed by China anyway? Populating those areas and then implementing irredentist policies?
“Our people live there, that is our land now.” ? As I said, this is something you pull on weak countries, not on Russia or the UK or France. Because that’s where Russia ranks, amongst top 10 global powers.
Even if China is stronger on paper in some respects, all top 10 global powers have the same amount of esteem and will retaliate all the same. None of them can afford blows like that to their public image and actual encroachments on territory and sovereighty none other than.
Also, aren’t Russia and China allied against the West? That’s what I keep hearing in the news. Putin and Xi Jinping shaking hands and smiling, and the headlines being shit like: “Russia and China Unveil a Pact Against America and the West”, “BRICS Summit: Can China, Russia Erode U.S.-Led Global Order?”, “Russia, China seal economic pacts amid Western criticism”, “Chinese defense minister to visit Russia and Belarus in show of support despite West’s objections”.
If this alliance falls through due to China’s sleazy backstabbing, whats stopping Russia from forming an alliance with EU / NATO, as it has done before?
Seeing that the West isn’t a big fan of China and has concerns of their own as far as China goes, I can see some sort of strategic partnership definitely possible.
The Chinese are very patient people. They will wait 100, 200, 500 years, but they will get their way, as it happened more than once.
This is exactly how it will happen. When the Chinese population of the Russian Far East reaches a certain size, it is highly likely that they will make claims to this territory.
Historically, the Far East belonged to China, but according to the Aigun Treaty of 1858, the territories of Northern Manchuria were ceded to Russia. China has the right to claim them.
The cunning ass of Xi Jingping never does anything that is not beneficial to China. However, this applies to all other leaders except Mao.
For 1.5 years of the war, exports from China increased by 20%. I am writing these words on a Chinese keyboard and a Chinese computer. I have Chinese smartphones, I put Chinese parts on my Japanese car.
Even my fucking underpants are made in China.
Everything that is produced in Russia is actually produced in China or with the help of Chinese equipment, with rare exceptions.
This is the price for those same agreements between Putin and Xi.
The alliance between Russia and China is unlikely to collapse in the near future, because Russia is a huge market for the Chinese economy. Again, China does nothing that would not benefit China.
Roughly speaking, this alliance looks like this: China does what is beneficial to China, and Russia, in the absence of an alternative, is forced to agree with this.
“Historically, the Far East belonged to China, but according to the Aigun Treaty of 1858, the territories of Northern Manchuria were ceded to Russia. China has the right to claim them.”
According to the Aigun Treaty of 1858, China doesn’t have the right to claim them. Isn’t this the correct conclusion here? Simply the other way around of what you said.
By that logic, does Russia have the rights to claim Alaska from USA? They sold it, it’s over.
Or am I misunderstanding or missing something here?
Well here’s the thing: if you want cheap shit, it will be Chinese. I was changing some light bulbs the other day, 3 minutes and it blew up. Made in “P.R.C” it says now, to fool the uneducated who don’t know what PRC stands for. LED light too, 20,000 hours or something it said. Ha.
I have chinese shit too, keyboard and mouse as you said, and other things, because things that don’t require brand and quality – China has the advantage on.
But notice how you have a Japanese car. The most reliable cars on the planet right now. It’s not a Chinese car is it? China mostly sells cheap unimportant shit. The real juicy technology comes from EU and USA.
But still, notice how inefficient they are: 1.4 billion people, insane potential for ‘economies of scale’, super cheap labor costs, ethnically homogenous, yet USA still outperforms them by 4 trillion $ annual GDP. USA, 350 million people – the country ridden with violent crime, racial disunity, political and social disunity, decaying moral fabric, school shooting Mecca, top global illicut drug use, top 3 obesity score, list goes on.
Even in the US they complain about Chinese shit, it simply boils down to everybody being used and addicted to cheap prices. Cut out China, you’ll be paying 3 times more for typical electronics probably, but this pays in the long term because you’re strengthening your own economy. And you will have to pay for the “expensive” product in a little while anyway because the chinese shit won’t last and/or perform not even to 50% of your already lowered expectations of cheap shit performance.
The only reason China is where it’s at is because there’s too many of these half-rat miscreants
This treaty was forced on China. At that moment, China was waging the opium wars.
China was forced to sign this treaty under the threat of a Russian invasion. Doesn’t this situation remind you of 2014, when Russia and Western countries forced Ukraine to sign the Minsk agreements.
This is not a joke or a misconception that China claims to be part of Russia. This is not advertised in China’s foreign policy, but every Chinese visiting the museum knows that this is the Northern Lands of China.
By the way, Russians are not allowed into these museums.
Now it is impossible to buy Japanese goods in Russia. You have to be content with Chinese rubbish.
It’s not that the Chinese are rats. The main rat is Xi and the Chinese Communist Party.
When they looked at what was happening in Russia after Gorbachev’s perestroika, they said: “No, this is not our way.”
At that time, the Chinese Communist Party in a directive order said that citizens should get richer. They made some reforms and allowed private business. All under the leadership of the Communist Party.
They say: “There are 1.5 billion people living in our country. You can’t run the country if you don’t have totalitarianism and a tough hand.”
When Russia weakens, they will certainly present their claims, I am sure of this. It may take more than a dozen years, but it will still happen.
And yes, China is not 1.5 billion. These are just official statistics. In fact, there are 2 billion or even more.
Some people from rural areas do not have passports and are in fact deprived of their rights. These are the people who were born at the moment when the policy of 1 family – 1 child was proclaimed in China.
So, unofficially, it’s even worse; 2+~ billion.
Hard to comprehend such a huge amount of these fuckers.
Well look, they signed it, now you just insist upon it.
If the tables were turned and Russia was forced to sign over a piece of territory to China, and later complained about it, China would say “not our problem” or something similar.
These pieces of paper in reality don’t mean shit, but they also mean a lot. Just like those referendums recently in Ukraine. Everybody knows it’s bullshit, yet they’re still carried out. We mentioned this earlier. Now this piece of paper can be used to launch fucking nukes if need be.
Such is the hypocritical unforgiving nature of business and diplomacy.
You think the typical Chinese isn’t at least marginally less shit than Xi and his cronies?
Most of them are very racist, xenophobic, have a superiority complex, all the “bad” traits.
And yeah, I’ve heard of that notion that democracy wouldn’t really work with so many people, probably true.
As far as internal affairs go, good how they’re handling opposition. They suppress them and simply keep the peace and stability. Everybody’s happy and oblivious. Who gives a fuck about ideals when you got a stable comfortable economy. Life is smooth sailing.
I think the West will take aim at them sooner or later. As soon as they become too risky.
The US and their 3 letter agencies have their tabs on everything, including the cartels in bumfuck Columbia, let alone a potential superpower and top 3 global economy. Many highly educated people calculating everything and assessing how to deal with it. Not to mention NATO cooperation, with UK’s MI-6 just to give an example.
Point is, while the West is prone to internal strife and corruption, it handles external threats exceptionally well. Something they don’t fuck around with. All of a sudden you see it’s not a joke.
And it would be wise to partner with Russia for many reasons, from obvious economic benefit, to simply cultural. All of Europe should actually be one big happy family because this is simply good for business and the bottom line life quality. If a little bit of Eurozone is good, more is even better. But there’s reasons for this political division and moral grandstanding I guess. All I know is, shit is more expensive than a couple years ago. And if China becomes a problem in the future, who the fuck wants to worry about Russia also popping out of nowhere to enact it’s revenge? Russia can be reasoned with, while China not quite as easily, as they are simply too different in every way to ever be able to see eye to eye with us
The short-sighted policy of the communists is to blame for this.
Prior to the reforms, there were no old-age pensions in China, and elderly parents were supported by their children. Therefore, the more children you have, the better you will live in old age.
You can’t say that all Chinese are shit. There is shit in every nation. China is a multinational country, just like Russia or Ukraine.
China is “friends” with Russia as long as it is beneficial to China. If the situation changes, we are in for a lot of amazing events.
To @Sonderfuhrer @final solution @LibtardWrecker @Reply-#2 and the rest in the comments…..
Come on people, there is this 11 year old girl kill herself and you guys talked about history on Russia and China?? Aren’t we supposed to deal with the LGBT issue initiated by the jews and propagated by the niggers and hindus??
The reason why jews, hindus and niggers put “L” in front of “GBT” is because Ladies (lesbians included) are naive and easily influenced, and putting them as frontman or leadman gave them a sense of falsehood of leadership or achievement. The real culprits are the men-based GBT or whatever they called GBTQ and so on….these jewish nigger hindu men most of them are bisexual and very violent towards women, kids and animals. The Brits enacted Section 377 a law in WW2 before sending hindu troops from its Asia colonies to the western front was because the European soldiers refused to fight alongside these hindu men due to their bisexual behaviors, a horrible sight to see hindu men fornincating among themselves in the open or seducing men from other racial groups. Such law also somewhat served to protect the women, though ineffective, as suppressing gay activities among these hindu men would in the hope reduce chances of violence against women by these hindu men and young hindu boys. YES, gay men are VERY violent sub-humans, as opposed what was featured in the jews-run Hollywood movies etc, that’s the reason why the Bible already recorded the City of Sodom (forgot the other one..) near present day Israel had to be destroyed. This Section 377 should be reinforced and expanded to include the jews and nigger males, hopefully will curb serious and widespread crimes worldwide committed by these jews nigger hindu men.
And talking about history….China history, used to work in S.E Asia and China years ago, and if you want to learn China history, don’t go to S.E Asia to learn from those idiots, they knew NOTHING about China, most of them cantonese or influenced by canton gangster culture and can’t even pronounce their names correctly, and even despise China !!
I learned a bit of China history while working there, not from some scholars but from local farmers, the educated ones. To answer someone in the comments about China expansion, China would ‘expand’ their territory if they are being attacked, and that’s how the first China Emperor did 2000 years ago when he unified China by force because this dude was super angry that his ‘country’ was constantly being attacked all the time. Damn, this Emporor should be awarded the Nobel peace prize posthumously, because he’s tired of wars and demanded peace, and acted on it, dude was a goal-getter !!
And Mr. Biden, how soon can you send some fucking money to Maui wildfire relief fund?? like wire-transfer from your Airforce 1 right away, don;t wait for the jews approval?? ACT on it !!
Range Rover, not to be too pedantic, but the town of Lahaina is only 23.1% white so by your own logic, we should basically just say fuck them right? Me, I take a slightly different view, that we cannot let ideology ruin our senses of humor or awe at the human condition. True Biden is the worst president in history by far, the American people are being shot, poisoned by fentanyl and mRNA, in danger of Russian nukes and cartel sleeper agents, mutated by forever chemicals. I want to hold public trials for Biden and big pharma and the healthcare establishment. But for me, racial supremacy, which we need, will necessarily mean having sex with the other breeds, which is my well established right as an American. That is the ONLY way to truly dominate someone.
Your reply confused me…. “….Lahaina is only 23.1% white so by your own logic, we should basically just say fuck them right?…..” I never said that, did you mix up with others’ comments??
And your interesting user ID LibtardWrecker may imply Wrecking those Liberal Retards, but seems like you are one of the Dems, especially when you mentioned breed with other breeds as you wish, possibly any genders…….don’t quite follow your logic, hope you not on drugs or intoxicated…
Republicans basically focus on smaller governing body, entrusting companies and people on policy making with minimal supervisions that require sense of social responsibility, and emphasizing on techologies, innovations, R&D, families and heritage etc….
Demoncrats basically don’t know what is going on (ex. Kennedy on Cuba crisis) but insist on a bigger government and make decisions for the entire planet, employing the ‘help’ from the socially-rejected and minorities, ex. gang members, and immigrants rejected even by their own country of origin.
And come on….you still believe “YOUR RIGHT” in America?? How about you go join some peace corps in the United States of Africa (another USA) and shout “YOUR RIGHT” out over there and see what happen, you won’t last 2 seconds. There is NO such thing as “YOUR RIGHT”, it’s part of the American Dream slogan in the past, but if you are being gang-raped by some niggers and have to call the cops for help, YES, that’s your PRIVILEGE. And if you see niggers looting at the corner store, you own a weapon and not using it to stop them, you’re not exercising “YOUR RIGHT”, ie: “YOU’RE NOT RIGHT”
And YES, racial supremacy is important to every cultured race, it’s the driving force for every race towards the state of superiority over others, but NOT in terms of bullying, stealing or forcing others to accept you as the Alpha man, but by earning respect from others that you have the capability to resolve problems, and become a role model for others. Just give you one real-life example….over 30 indian faggots and their boyfriends with knives and pistols trying to gang-rape a young girl on a train for fun and this old Gurkhas standing 5 foot 3 drew out his kukri knife and killed 10 of them, saving the girl. He’s not from a ‘superior’ race but got our respect, he’s exercising his “RIGHT” as a human being to save a girl and was injured, while you are shouting “YOUR RIGHT” to breed with any breeds.
The panet Earth is already multi-racial, and there is NO need to impose jews-plotted “ideology” of multiracial on every country. The world is divided into nations for a reason, so each racial group can live their ways and traditions they want within their boundaries, avoiding many conflicts. The focus should be on multi-culturalism, ie: if you think Okinawa Karate is cool, better than the jewish MMA where you see 2 half-naked guys rubbing each others on the floor while Soros is jerking off in front of his TV with his boyfriends, then go fucking learn some Karate in Okinawa and fly back to AMERICA to waste some niggers,…then you’re fucking “RIGHT” !
Renaissance era was a good multi-culturalism example when explorers headed East and brought back many skills, including the I/O system that transforms into modern computers so everyone can shout at each other over the net without lifting your butt.
Pretty sure someone already tracked down who those sub-humans instigated that 11 year old girl to jump.
Don’t take that guy too serious. One day he’s saying he’s a white nationalist etc, tomorrow he says some he’s trolling and saying we should races should breed, or he’s simply saying some weirdo bullshit as if he’s tripping on shrooms. Gave him the benefit of the doubt at first.
But let me ask you, how do you envision solving the jewish and nigger problem? Specifically in the US?
You mentioned Section 377 as an example, how exactly would you pass a law outlawing LGBTQ practice? In this current climate? Trump is going to jail, and the man never said anything racist. I would be put on a cross if they heard me speak. You would be right next to me.
I’m glad you are focusing on LGBTQ because that is in my opinion a very good indicator of a nation’s degeneracy.
Consider this: LGBTQ is so prominent now because it has grown like a cancer, and it was financed and supported by prolific kikes and race-traitors, on top of positive portrayal in popular media.
Add to this the general targetted attacks on the moral, cultural and social fabric through the aforementioned vectors. And the demonization of anything that opposes it.
So, you got corporations, news outlets, government officials, agencies, Hollywood, gladly pushing this devilish degeneracy.
I’ve thought about solutions for a while now, from armed revolutions: they require a high level of discomfort for everyone to be bothered, awareness of the issue, and lastly belief in the cause.
To simply retaking positions of power and pushing out the opposition, which can take generations. They say Trump is a nazi, yeah, I wish. If a politician was a nazi, they would have dug that out a long time ago and you would have never even see him in the political scene.
He’s a puppet that does as he’s told, like Biden. Look at the recent presidents of the US. Are you telling me, those are the people that run the country? C’mon.
If the world’s sole superpower has clowns for presidents, you can be sure the presidents aren’t the one that get asked much about anything.
But I’ve recently had an epiphany that put my heart at ease: the people are dumb animals. They deserve everything they get. Think about it, who are you trying to save exactly? Let the migrants in, let the mexicans in, keep the porn industry going, push LGBTQ and the consequent child abuse and pedophilia, erode the moral fabric and destroy the family unit, guilt-trip the pussy white people into yielding more and more, let it all go to fucking hell. Once it’s too late, they might figure some things out. Or what am I saying, probably not.
Stormfront is a bunch of pussies that just cry and watch as the situation is getting worse. They even banned the word nigger. You would think a bunch of white nationalists would have some courage but my God when I saw the forum I thought I was amongst low-testosterone dorks.
If people are dumb and lack critical thinking, are morally weak, partners and supports the enemy, then let them go extinct. The weak don’t deserve to live
ITS FUCKING JEWISH Rothschild family due to which we are suffering !! All of us are working for them 24/7, directly or indirectly. Not to mention about the pre planned uprisings and coaches in Europe by the fucking jews scums to subvert the power of the current monarch goverment and introduce the concept of new world order aka democracy.
I’m mainly talking about 1848 reforms in which many people had noble visons , but the higher purpose of those revolts was not to imporve the life of common folk but rather replace the existing goverment and install democracy aka goverment that is funded and controlled by agents working for new world order.
And infecting the Europe with the slow poison of “liberalism.
Rothschild family sets forth the goals of communist , the communist menifesto contains the empty promises of a worker ” paradise ” and social justice but in reality it was to took hold of the science, the arts , the education and thier globalist plan to enslave humanity under new world order. Those who fell for this Rothschild family ideas are today better known as “liberals or prograsive” thier thoghtless idealism will unwittingly help the scums globalists.
And the people being apathetic and complacent and not using their head to figure this all out and having the courage to oppose it means the people lost and the corrupters won.
So bring on the calamity, sword of judgement and spear of famine. Let everybody reap what they’ve sown.
Bring forth the nukes, bioweapons and viruses, GMO and genetic diseases, natural catastrophies and everything else.
Humble this fucking miscreant species for once.
People don’t learn anything unless it’s the hard way
The jews always create conflicts, news or policies that make people angry and make mistakes so they can ‘profit’ from the chaos, we need to keep our cool so to analyse how they created those strategies in order to implement counter-strategy.
For those who called others racists usually are those living in other countries as minoriies such as jews niggers hindus, these are the major groups as observed in extended period in history. Henry Ford the car guy once published an article on international jews but was not well received, possibly his tone was too harsh and turned people off, especially the ‘educated’ women’ in high places, i.e: those sleeping next to Emperors, kings, Army Generals, Presidents…. those who can implement and change policies.
Notice why there were so many jewish ‘psychologists’ in the past (and present) before the 2 major wars??? The wives and mistresses of those kings, for instance, probably had too much time in their Royal Chambers, felt bored, no one to speak with, or were being neglected by the kings after years of pounding, and began to develop PTSD (( Pussy Traumatised & Savagely Ditched……trust me, this was VERY serious matter in those days Royal families…)). The kikes, being proficient in many European languages, immediately developed a “treatment” for these Royal women, i.e: get a sofa, some 8×10 papers and pencils, some fake Ph.D doctor certificates he bought from a corner store hanging on office wall, and a pair of clean ears….and BOOM ….. not only the Royal women get to talk non-stop on her ‘problems’ to the doc, sometimes full-service ‘royal treatment’ from the shrink needed to be administered on the spot if the urge couldn’t be treated in a conventional way. Not only the kikes knew what’s going on within the royal courts, they also knew which mistresses were fucking with which rival countries royal families, who the army generals, troop strength, routes for their vacations, treaties signed among nations etc etc…..get paid, get fucked, get information, what a noble job as a shrink. And then these shrinks would sell those data to, ex. Rothschild, who then plot from there to start wars among nations, or influenced on policy-making for centain countries because they got dirts on the royal women fucking the kikes……
To ‘reinforce’ Section 377 or similar rules might not work today as similar cases may have already happened. Women were used in many ancient military strategies by warring nations, today it takes a different form for these high-place women to appear and influence their ‘kings’. Would be good if Ukrainian women can talk their brains out on their country at war, they represent the vast ‘ordinary’ women, hopfully will create some impact and pressue the ‘kings’ to change policies. One strategy, need more to go full force.
So let’s kill the Rotschilds? What do you think of this idea, just curious?
Also, who is “we” exactly? ALL whites? Don’t know about that, many are liberal and are highly indoctrinated and will oppose you to their dying breath because of their own insecurities or what have you. They are the biggest obstacle when you think about it. The shitskins are just pawns. Niggers and indians and the hispanic scum, they are harmless fucking zombies.
So, I’m assuming you mean us white-nationalists? How many of them are there? US is 50% 50% liberal / conservative, and from those white conservatives, I reckon a small percentage is white nationalist. Many of them are ‘cuckservatives’ as they call them. Useless.
Europe is more ethnically and racially aware than Americans. We are definitely more chauvinistic and racist too. That’s why if there’s any last stand, it will be from us. I look at the US and just shake my head in dissapointment, these people have fucked up beyond belief.
We simply need a new Hitler. Another Holocaust, and this time do it right. Look up my username.
Also, a very effective propaganda tool is, simply cite kike quotes. There are a lot of controversial quotes by the them, prolific people too.
Such as “goyim meant to serve us”, “9/11 was good for us”, etc etc. Make flyers / posters, plaster them everywhere, add images. Let the people see.
The media will call us “antisemitic neonazis” “white supremacists” bla bla, but the people will see those quotes and it will plant a seed of doubt in their mind. Those that are still on the fence and have some self-agency still, and aren’t blind sheep. Even the staunch antifa liberal dork can’t deny in his own brain the fact that a kike has called him servant cattle. He can’t mental-gymnastics that reality away
One thing that I would like to mention is that It’s important to point out that Hitler and the Nazis were far-LEFT, not far-right – and in that respect, he’s a part of a distinguished company of mass-murderers: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.
The only dictatorship that I can think of that could be characterized as right-wing, was Pinochet’s in Chile (1973-1990). But even in this “worst case scenario of what right-wing can do”, the number of dead is dwarfed by that of the Left’s: ~3,000 in Chile vs several hundred million in the USSR, China, Cambodia, etc. Furthermore, Pinochet’s regime voluntarily instituted legal controls into the system that made it possible for it to be removed from power via a democratic popular vote (in 1990), while the only way to remove a far-left regime is via direct military action, because the far-Left, never chooses to give up their powers willingly.
As for whether Nazis were far-left or far-right, I actually studied this topic quite extensively, and here are the main discoveries:
Nazis were far-left, and the name “National SOCIALIST German WORKERS’ Party” was NOT a joke. They meant it. Hitler himself had said on multiple occasions that his ideology was a derivative of Marxism, and his major point of pride was that he had “figured out how to make socialism work”.
If you look at Hitler’s economic policies, they were just a tad to the right of Stalin’s, and the only important difference between Stalinism and Nazism was that Hitler didn’t take that one final step – expropriation of ownership of means of production. Hitler (correctly) thought that this would cause disastrous damage to the economy, and this was one of the main reasons why he hated the USSR and Communists so much: because the Soviets “screwed up the good thing and gave Socialism bad name by doing something incredibly stupid”.
FUCKING MOTHERFUCKERS ALLIES ( SO CALLED HUMANITY HEROES) are nothing but a fucking kike owned puppet. I hate this current lgbtq, woke retard, 36+ gender world.
Adolf hitler ( my idol) should have won the war so that the franca lingua of this world would have been my beautiful lanaguge *German* and not english.
I think only you would make the claim that the Nazis and Hitler were far-left.
The word socialist in “National Socialist” was for propaganda purposes.
The economic policies combined elements of state-control with private enterprise, but those policies were aimed at serving state interests rather than promoting a more egalitarian society, which the socialists tend to pursue.
On top of this, they were nationalist, conservative, authoritarian, expansionist, actively persecuted socialists, believed in racial and ethnic supremacy, fascist, I mean everything here points to far-right extremism.
And that’s fine. Who cares how many died. It looks like you’re trying to redefine nazism so as to exclude them from the top 5 casualty count ranking, as if not being on that list is the end all be all to moral good.
Even more should have died. You’re right, nobody can really judge Nazi Germany for their casualty count when Mao and Stalin were worse. But then again, nobody cares, people just hate proud unapologetic white people. They’ll play semantics all day long to veil their true nature.
@ Final Solution @Ich Komme Aus Deutschland
Away for a while, hope everyone is well.
A ‘direct contact’ with Rothschilds and their networks may not be possible as they are well protected by trained personnel (ex. Simon Mann), and to undertake such will require extensive resources from experienced guys such as Erik Prince who hopefully still have faith after being scrutinized on media for some ‘minor’ mistake amongst many successful ops….unknown risks no one shall put himself in.
Sometimes you need a ‘strong’ man like Trump to change the status quo, and you will see those small group of so-called white-liberals suddenly switch direction and become stable, this particular group of people are usually timid regardless of their education backgrounds, and they are afraid of the niggers whom are used by the jews as tool to suppress the whites. If you visit some ‘chaotic’ countries, ex. Philippines or even Singapor, you will see similar situations.
I think Trump might win the next election as I sense many ordinary folks from other nations want him back in power, especially in Asia, no one wants to see U.S fail, and no one wants to see U.S is run by political groups infested with niggers, jews and hindus. If he really wins again, just hope he’s smart enough to change the role of Pacific 7th fleet, i.e, Protect the East-West trade route, don’t fuck it up letting the hindus and jews causing regional conflicts again !!
@Ich Komme Aus Deutschland has some really good in-depth knowledge on history, but sometimes reading too much history can make a man super angry. However, ANGER is a ‘passion’, in a positive way it’s a driving force urging something to be done morally right, and so we must look at history in perspective and learn how to avoid mistakes made by previous generations, and implement ways (from history too) to not repeat the similar. I regard history (any culture, any country) as an important Instruction Manual.
A few days ago in the middle east some ‘terror’ group launched a sudden attack on the kikes, this might be the beginning of the extermination of kikes, could be interesting to watch how it ends, as the arabs seem united this round. May force Rothschilds out of closet and the target will be clear.
Trump is a kike puppet. He supports Israel. He supports the other shitskin races. I don’t know what you’re talking about, apparently we haven’t paid attention the same Trump.
And no, Israel wont get exterminated quite yet. Notice how UK is sending Royal Navy ships and spy drones, literally going over there themselves now that it’s Israel at war. US is sending munitions, aircraft carriers, and fighter jets.
One thing I’ve learned is, the Muslim world is smarter than it appears. They probably laugh at how weak and sickly we are. They should set aside their Sunni-Shia differences, unite, and make nukes, and force Israel into territory concessions. These shitheads are too primitive for such a feat though
What do they have in common?
@ Final Solution
“……… Israel wont get exterminated quite yet…..” that’s hard to say, but just imagine the following war game:
Hamas “successfully” attacked israel could be that the jews intentionally switched off their early-warning systems, allowing the Hamas to sneak in. That’s the usual strategy most politicians do when they have shitloads of domestic political issues, and war against ‘aggressors’ might unite the nation again. If that’s Netanyahu’s plan, it worked, as UK US the allied forces are in motion converging into the middle east.
But what if……
US and UK and rest of Europe have their own shitloads of domestic problems and finally ‘realise’ it’s the jews that cause all those issues and around the world, with the arab world united, it could be a concerted military actions:
#1. Attack israel instead of Hamas (you don’t need aircraft carriers to fight a small ‘terror’ group, a battalion of 75th rangers will do the job no sweat)
#2. Local ‘militias’ of respective nations go arrest all the kikes hiding in government offices, banks, courthouses, hospitals, colleges, corporations, Monsanto etc.
Scenario maybe over simplified but you get the idea….and for the above to take place, you need a good REASON to justify an attack, so the soldiers are motivated with no fears or regrets.
The main purpose jews were placed in the middle east was to serve as a watchdog for the oil supplies to the US UK industries etc. The jews already knew this from the beginning and hence continuously casusing conflicts in the middle east in order to emphasize their ‘important’ role in the area, and at the same time extort money from the western powers, just like the hindus are doing now in East Asia. If the arabs are united and in peace progress with the west, there is NO need for these kikes as watchdog anymore. With israel killing babies and women in Gaza Strip, there is enough REASON to stop such evil act by wiping out the jews.
Russia will also benefit when Zelenskyy surrenders as israel is wiped out.
Women were always being used as part of ancient military strategies, it still works today….then again women reporters and women politicians fanning fires bla bla bla….
on TV, without knowing what’s going on in the fields and the collateral outcomes.
This could be Netanyahu last tango to enjoy with the rest of jews……..Trump, just like most politicians, is a thick-skin puppet, you throw it on the floor, suddenly it will bounce back on stage by itself when the environment in his favor one day. The U.S election is for Americans to vote, other nations’ citizens are not involved, but they may have major business investments in the U.S representing interest from these other countries’ citizens who want him back in power. The world business network has been interconnected for millennia.
So, about Israel allowing Hamas to infiltrate the way they did, this does indeed look like the case to me. It’s nothing new as you say, considering a country’s security agencies capabilities. They’re not idiots. Let me remind you that the ISIS leader was a Jewish Mossad agent called Simon Eliott. If Hamas was a bunch of kikes too, this wouldn’t be surprising either. As I said, in the middle east they use their physical similarities to arabs to pretend to be arabs. In the US they white kikes pretend to be white people advocating against us.
Whether Europe and US “finally realize” that it’s the kikes responsibility for a lot of the wars, in the way that you’re stating it, this is highly unlikely in my opinion.
The puppet officials already know who runs the show.
The civilians are 50 50 maybe. Depends where you go and who you talk to. A lot of people are useful idiots, they don’t know shit, they think white people are the worst people on the planet because of Nazi Germany, and the jews are eternal victims. You can find retards like this, especially in the US.
We have a shit load of domestic problems because we’re the ones letting the immigrants in, because we’re paid off. A lot of the officials are blackmailed too I would assume. What can you expect from them? To war with Israel? Lets be real.
Back when 9/11 happened, they called it “Pearl Harbour 2.0”. It was the great catalyst for the US to get involved in the Middle East and destabilize the region even more. Israel knew how patriotic the Americans are, but they also took advantage of their stupidity. The average American soldier is a dumbfuck meathead. He’s just excited to be shooting at defenseless people. Fuck if he cares about politics or right or wrong.
And it worked, they came in and sure as shit destabilized the region. War on Terror. Afghanistan, Iraq, refugee crisis into Europe, perpetuating the Kike Victim notion, increased hate for muslim world, sympathy for Israel, spawn of ISIS: a terrorist group slaughtering and torturing other Sunni muslims, but never a jew, lol…
I mean, it was masterminded to perfection. That’s what these maggots do. No wonder they’re thrown out of every significant state since time immemorial.
This Hamas circus could highly likely be very similar to 9/11. They’re already genociding the Palestinians because a couple of girls got kidnapped and a few dudes got shot.
The West is behind them already and will continue to do so because these half-men think with their hearts instead of their heads.
Although a lot of support for Palestine has been propped up through out the world, which is a positive surprise to me. That’s good. See, a lot of people aren’t dumb either. They see what’s what. Because the kikes aren’t as smart as they think they are either. They sure make a lot of mistakes and this is bad because on the internet nothing ever dies. Their fuckups get dug up and exposed when it’s least convenient.
Your scenario is rather optimistic and would be a drastic shift in momentum for both sides. As I said, highly unlikely. I wish though. It’s not just Israel that harbors kikes. You have the kike diaspora mostly in financial capitals and in the US. The ones doing the damage are already in the US in every institution that harbors any power. They’re the ones we should actually focus on first. Israel is just a land for the shitskin disgusting-sideburn yamaka wearing civilian kind.
The ones with the most money and power are in the West.
Any change needs to be grass-roots, and I’ve quickly laid out an overview of such plans on another page on this site. Check out “Attempt on rabbi prevented by police”, last posts as of writing 23/10/2023.