
MMA fighter Grigory Ponomarev broke his knee during a fight with Mukhamad Vakhaev. The whole fight lasted 35 seconds, and Vakhaev's technique led to a severe injury to the athlete.
A fighter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine landed unsuccessfully from the Bradley armored personnel carrier and hit an anti-personnel mine with his knee.
There is a strong expression “shoot yourself in the foot” and in this video we are witnessing just such a process. It is curious that the guys do not ask for mercy.
A Ukrainian soldier demonstrates the severed leg of a Russian soldier. He showers curses on the occupiers and says that this will be the case with all the feet of the occupiers who set foot on the soil of Ukraine.
During an accident, a motorcyclist's leg was torn off and it hung on the door of the car. Nobody asked for the severed leg.
The girl was walking across the square and was hit by a bus wheel and received a terrible leg injury. The bus driver did not notice her because she was in the blind spot.