Terrorist attack in Magaure village, Zangon Kataf district, Kaduna state, Nigeria. The terrorists killed 13 people, chopped off the heads of the corpses and showed them on camera.
Since July 12, no less than 8 villages in Zangon Kataf have been attacked within 5 days. Terrorists kill civilians with extreme cruelty. It is reported that the corpses are already being buried without coffins in mass graves.
The goal of the terrorists is to seize territory. The Nigerian government is inactive.
Magaure, Zangon Kataf, Kaduna, Nigeria
Niggers killing niggers, in the US they use guns.
More like Islamic extremists killing non muslim villagers.
Like ISIS? that kills only muslims?
white people kill white people in the united states too
Imagine if all the heads become alive again and staring at those people.
Me “I wonder if they’re Muslim”
Kid in video “Allah Alakbah”
Yeeeep that explains it.
Africa and Religion is not a good mix.
Woah, I’ve had so much issues recognizing muslims, but you just gave me the absolute cure I asked for!!
Thank islam. we continue to face such acts. fcking islamists
that some 10 year old kid was beheading himself too with the bloody machete with kids surrounding the fucking scene..
niggers lego set?
Stupid nigger
seems like christianity and muslim all evolved from jewish bible, that explain why so many conflict and wars among west and middle east, fucking stupid religions also spread to other parts of the world. Any thing the jews invented, bible, gay porns, a-bombs, LGBTQ, human right, women right, bank loan, insurance, illicit drugs, nigger slave trades, GMO…. they brought chaos.
No wonder they claim they are the chosen people to be tortured by God, and eventually be exterminated, sooner than we expect.