The killers scalped and skinned their face


The killers have scalped and skinned the victim’s corpse and happily try on the resulting mask for themselves. They brag about good and neat work.
This is an interesting idea if you need to use the face recognition service at an ATM.


109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. I saw this shit in too. You’re late

    1. Good for you mate! You already saw the vid on some other site but still clicked the vid here, probably just to post your comment you already saw it. Hope you feel good about it. You saw it first my man!!

  2. WTF did i just watch, those Mexican dudes are rootless to the core.

    1. Mexicans are pussies compared to Brazilians. Obviously they’re brutal as fuck but Brazilians are the most brutal. The cartels have no match against the favela gangs. Those people will rip you to shreds until you look like debris.

      1. I mean, it is nice work

      2. Definitivamente Venezuela es peor que Brasil y México peor que Venezuela saludos

  3. Haha Hannibal Lecter school of Makeup and taxidermy. No but seriously, great skinning job. They’re almost perfect. At least these guys are having fun.

    1. you are advocating bad deeds, how do you think when you kill someone and take off his mask?,you think this is a carnival

      1. Yeah, totally not edgy. Like any person who watches gore for a long time, everybody here basically, they get desensitized eventually. The videos stop triggering any physiological stress reaction. This twerp like many others confuse this desensitization with some sort of strength and pride themselves on it. The wannabe-nonchalant comments are proof of that. “Hannibal lecter school of makeup haha” says the dork, as if he’s not a weak little pussy in real life. If he saw a real murder of mutilation like this in real life, they’d shit their pants out of fear.
        Real violence is different in real life compared to seeing it half the world away on a computer screen.

  4. What kind of a psycho does these things?

  5. Seems like some kind of initiation. But instead of drinking copious amounts of alcohol and/or cheering stupid chants, this is next level carnaval. Although I didn’t know they celebrated carnaval in Mexico..

  6. Pretty soon America will destroy mexican cartels.

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