Flayer pours acid on cat


A flayer pours a caustic liquid over a caged cat, probably acid. The poor animal is in agony from terrible pain.

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. why there are lately so many videos emerging of torturing cats? must be fucking subhuman chink maggot china.

  2. really makes me want to increase the rate at which I work, however, no misteaks, longer run, more gone.

    1. I hope your dumb cunt childs will be burn and die you son of a bitch. I will find you andf kill your ugly skank mom

      1. Ese tipo esta realmente enfermo,como se atreve a decir esa cajada.

  3. Why did you cut the video? I want to watch it suffer some more.

    1. “It’s not a phase mom!”

    2. He will suffer in hell and so will you. Beelzebub will take care of you individually. life on earth is short. Go apologize to Jesus and the punishment will pass you by and do good while you live on earth. AMEN and God be with you my friend!!

      1. “God be with you my friend!” he says to the person calling for more animal abuse. Fucking clowns the both of you

  4. This is so satisfying. It would be more if it was a kitten

    1. you’re the type of person to start crying when ur mum tells u to wash the dishes while u were wanking to trans porn ????

      1. You know I know it’s China and the age of consent is 10 but some things should not be video taped it like kids being raped and house animals being abused just like the whole cap blender problem see I don’t tolerate this shit enough I’ll do the same little fuck you did to that cat see if you don’t like them just get a gun and shoot them but I’ll wait you’re in China you slanted eye piece of shit niger Nazi

  5. why doesn’t this demon pour acid on himself? caging the animal is a show of weakness

  6. i hope you will die for this you fucker and your family too

  7. Why the fuck does it matter? I personally enjoy watching cats being tortured.

    1. It’s not normal to enjoy a living being suffer. The world would be a better place if mentally ill freaks like you didnt exist.

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