Hi guys! I have a rat infestation in my house. Big and grey. Very large rats. Very angry rats.
The rats ate 31 media, mostly with personal archives and site materials.

It happens when you live in Russia and I’m generally not surprised. It is sad that some graphic materials were lost and, of course, we had to bear the cost of buying phones and new hard drives.
But, as you can see, not everything has disappeared. The rats didn’t get to some things. Actually, they got to what they could get to, and what they couldn’t, they didn’t gobble up. And even missed a couple of treats.
All this is sad, but not so much as to fall into despair. Work on the site will resume in the next few days.
I have a small request for you.
I’ve suffered some losses due to the rodent infestation, and if you have a couple of extra bucks for me, they’ll come in very handy right now.
You can help through Yoomoney
Transfer money to Webmoney Z380152462076
Transfer in Bitcoins to the address: bc1quyqzzqfa7wzac50c0wdsgnhsql7dqf5qchv9m9

Your home looks very shitty … Its no wonder you are a nerd old hag who sits all the day on computer and make shit websites like this. Also we are living in 21 st century… Your camera looks like 2 mp shit
Good cameras were gnawed by rats, the photo was taken 2 hours after the invasion of some old Nokia, which seemed to the rats not tasty -))
Hey!! Can I donate you my btc? My current balance is 2.7 btc how much would you like? Sir.
Thank you, you can translate as many BTC as you don’t mind.
Run some more ads. I’ve disabled uBlock and Brave shield for deadhouse.org from now on
good job! lets help sonderfuhrer even tho he makes err-this sort of websites.
You’re on it aren’t you? You in whatever way, have taken something from this content, found some use from it.
It’s freedom of the press. No government propaganda, and people can learn to appreciate life believe it or not.
Or are you arguing for it’s morality or “pleasantness”? If someone was a piece of shit before watching gore, he will be one after.
I don’t understand this , why bestgore author was arrested for merely showing the real world to public ? Its not like he was the one who killed and murdered all those innocent people, was he? This shows nothing but double standards of society, instead of catching the real pile of shits or cartels who carries out their sick execution, the police arrested this man. And what’s his crime? “Only showing society, what is happening in the world , no bullshit , no crap shit music. Just acts of humans ..and for showing the truth he was arrested as if justice is served. Fucking HELL. What do you think? ?
He and his website were based in Canada, and he hosted “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick”, a controversial video at the time, just like the New Zealand mosque shooting. Remember, people were getting jailed for sharing that shooting video.
The people were in a state of emotional shock and terror, and quite reactive. The Canadian government apparently wasn’t an exception.
Now, like you said, why? The event and video had garnered so much attention that they had to intervene. They charged with him a rare obscenity charge, namely that of “corrupting public morals”. This is Canada mind you, they have a reputation for being seemingly very tolerant but at times pulling moves that would put Xi Jinping to shame.
I agree with you however, it is not good. On one hand I understand if it was my family member that got killed in one of the many gore vids on the internet, on the other hand freedom of the press is more important in the grand scheme of things
Here’s the vid, you’ll see why it was quite shocking