A gay couple raped a man at a party

Gay rape

A 22-year-old man woke up at home with a headache and a ruptured anus after attending a party with gay men.

On Friday evening, the guy went to a party in Lyubertsy, near Moscow. Besides him, there were two other guys there. After several glasses of wine, he felt ill and fainted several times.

He woke up at home and doesn’t remember how he got there. Due to a severe headache, he called an ambulance. Doctors diagnosed him with low blood pressure and rectal ruptures.

The guy was probably mixed with clonidine in his wine and then raped. The police are investigating.

Lyubertsy, Moscow region.

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. I am discriminated against and a clear second class citizen just because I have a history of homosexual domestic violence and make threats against evil doctors. I am American, but am barred from ever owning guns or joining the military. I refuse to pay my taxes to fund genocidal wars. They think I am not a man but I am a man! It was my supreme misfortune to be stuck in a state with born slaves who obeyed the government masking and taking the mRNA shot unquestioningly. And thus, we are all dead already

    1. The year was 2022. After downing a bottle of vodka with my Russian boyfriend we were watching Sing 2 with anthropomorphic singing animals. He got enraged about supposed infidelity and sliced his hands open trying to smash a glass to stab me with or something. I don’t remember. Anyway he went into a coma for days after the paramedics gave him ketamine and my mother helped me clean up my blood-splattered apartment. He’s fine now though. My parents though I constantly threaten. Ironically I was never even arrested during that incident. Such is life as a catamite!

      1. My erstwhile darlings! In a beautiful gaol, a meadow of asphodel flowers, forever! This is my world!

      2. She probably deserved it bc she WAS in fact cheating.

    2. Author

      You are lucky to be only limited in rights. In Russia you can be beaten for no reason just because you are gay.
      And in some Muslim regions to kill.

      1. Yes I suppose I am just complaining. Things could i always be worse. I could be thrown off a building or picked up by Kadyrovites. On the other hand, pathetic old people where I live have not stopped masking because I live in Northeastern US, elsewhere they would be bullied into taking them off. That’s what I mean by being born with a slavish personality. And the mRNA shot they had me take will kill me soon anyway before that even happens.

  2. Another reason to not hang around with faggots… they might be lusting after your booti…

  3. If I can´t see it I don´t believe it. Periodt.

  4. Homo sex is dirty and should be punished severely.

    1. Womp womp, I’m fucking guys anyway Christian hoe!

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