In the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine, police are investigating the killing of a pregnant woman. The criminals tucked the abdomen into the victim, and then they took out the premature baby
The corpse of a woman was found on the morning of August 27 in the courtyard of a private house. The first to be seen was the mistress who saw her mother entering the courtyard.
When examining the body of 23-year-old Tatyana S., who was in the eighth month of pregnancy, it turned out that her stomach was cut and the fetus disappeared.
Numerous wounds were found on the victim’s hands, indicating that the victim desperately resisted.
As it was found out, the deceased was officially not married. She lived with a child of 2-3 years and a roommate. Civil spouses were waiting for replenishment in the family.
However, at the time the crime was committed, Tatyana’s husband was under 15-day arrest, so there is no need to talk about his involvement in the incident.
After the discovery of the corpse of Tatyana, the man was immediately released from custody.
According to preliminary data, the murdered woman and her friends met at the time of an ad with certain men who began to date her. It is possible they were former prisoners.
According to residents of the village of Kotovka, now there are several operational investigative groups working with dogs. In the words of law enforcement officials slipped the version that a woman could be involved in the crime.
Later it was confirmed. Literally after 2 hours, the suspect was seized. Witnesses say that when she was brought to the service dogs, the police barely managed to restrain the dogs rushing to her.
We add that so far crimes of this kind have been characteristic of the United States, but for the post-Soviet space this is an unprecedented case.