In a Vladikavkaz hospital, a man was stabbed twice and then shot dead in front of the police by the relatives of the victim.
The story began in a taxi when a 79-year-old (!) taxi driver gave a lift to a client. As a result of the conflict, a taxi passenger, 35-year-old passenger Murad Osmanov, stabbed an elderly taxi driver with a knife.
The attacker was soon detained, but during the arrest, the police injured Osmanov’s hand. After that, Osmanov was taken to the same hospital as 79-year-old taxi driver Sergei Grigoryan.
At that time, the taxi driver’s relatives were in the hospital, one of whom stabbed Murad Osmanov twice.
The conflict died down for some time, the attacked relative of the taxi driver was neutralized. Osmanov received medical assistance.
At this time, the taxi driver’s son fired several shots at Osmanov in front of the policeman.
The man died from his injuries.
Vladikavkaz, Russia.
Vladikavkaz is the capital of South Ossetia, a republic within Russia. This region is inhabited mainly by representatives of the Caucasian peoples – Ossetians, Armenians, Georgians, Ingush. For these guys, blood feuds are quite common. Relatives of the injured taxi driver will receive respect from other people for killing the offender.