Teenagers filmed porn at school, and teachers watched it

Teenagers filmed porn at school

A 13-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl had sex at school and made porn with their participation.
By an absurd accident, a porn video involving minors appeared in the general chat of the school.

The piquant situation is very similar to the episode from the movie “American Pie”, where the main character accidentally sent out a video of an intimate nature to all the students, only this time it happened in real life.

However, the vigilant teacher noticed that the students were sending something to each other and vigorously discussing what they saw.

The teacher demanded to show her the video that shocked her. On it, the students of her class, 13-year-old Nikolai and 12-year-old Marina, had sex in the school premises.

The teacher showed the video to the pedagogical council and the teachers got acquainted with it. After that, the school principal wrote a statement to the police about the children.

The police tried to find out if any of the adults were involved in the shooting of the porn video, but as it turned out, the children filmed the porn without the participation of adults.

The situation has become even more complicated because there is an offense, and it is impossible to prosecute minors for distributing child pornography.

Investigations are currently underway.

Russia, Moscow region, Odintsovo.


109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. That cannibal girl, her face was blur because she was minor. Understandable. But aren’t these kids also minor? Why thier face isn’t blur? Isn’t that what u told me ?
    “In Russia, it is forbidden to publish the faces of minors”. Aren’t these teen too Russians?

    Bruh see the hypocrisy.

    1. Author

      No hypocrisy. The photo of the cannibal girl is blurry because it was published in the official Russian media. They cannot publish in any other way, and I did not find a different photo.
      This photo was published by a regional public, they are not official media.
      To make it clear to you and everyone else: I don’t care about Russian laws that crazy people in the Russian government have adopted.

  2. You should fucking die by drugs or poison..a very painful and slow death you fucking inbred, inept filthy nigger.

    1. Disgusting Spic/Gook mutt. I bet you are a edgy legit pedophile like sonderfuhrer who enjoys masturbating to minors having sex and engage into lewd activities. Fuck you!

      1. When i saw your name i accidently mistook you as sonderfuhrer and thought , how tf he would write this. Lmao.

      2. Be careful, you edgy fucking lord, don’t talk about my brother like that , otherwise i will make sure to draw the conclusions for you.


    2. That is very rude and offensive. I don’t know about everybody else on this website, but based on your harmful racist comment, you should be banned from using your device for as long as possible. I honestly thought that these kind of things were over, but I guess not. Next time you thing about posting a comment online, you should think about how others would feel about it.???????????????????⚡??????⚠⛔☢☣✖❌❎‼⁉❕❗????

      BTW, I hope you get hit by a ?.

      1. Interesting priorites you have here.
        You are attacking the person who said “nigger”, while above a pedophile is taunting everyone on the website, making light of child sexual abuse.

        Don’t kid yourself, you’re not a good person. This false outrage theatric holds no weight. You should be the one getting hit by a truck, same as the pedo and the niggers. Subhuman non-white mongrel beasts.

        1. Damn! You completely destroyed him!! Thanks for putting this asshole to his place.

          If it’s not personal i just wanted to ask out of curiosity, are you from France? Or America?

  3. lol, im just saying .. ah side from killing.. how else can you stop a pedophilla? you must stop conceiving children? it’s a man made diagnosis paedophillic disorder, i manifest mine and got mine under control. i try not to look cock eyes and if anything i simply wave and say hello. :p i like to photograph child motifs. as i like bday parties and events. i would never sexually exploit a child unless it is allowed by my government. :( sad but true one first must attain clearance before engaging and yes im a legitimate legit trying to become a “pro”. i wish i had a girlfriend right now their my boys all my girls block and report gosh i wish instagram the worst imaginable you couldnt even imagine heehee

    1. correction sexual explotation of minor isnt allowed by any goverment :p its not right .. but what i meant was going out and partying with them :p

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