
First, a man jumped out of the window, and after some time a fireman jumped out after him, who was able to break into the apartment on fire, but could not break back.
A woman was burned alive on the street, accused of stealing children. West Papua, Indonesia.
What kind of steaks do you like? Medium done or bloody? The poor bastard in the video probably won't survive.
A multifunctional Russian fighter-bomber Su 34 crashed on a 9-storey residential building due to an engine fire. 13 people died, including three children. Another 19 people were hospitalized with injuries and burns.
A Homeless on fire walks down the street and makes strange noises. Someone set fire to the unfortunate for a joke.
A futuristic picture during the fire was observed by the inhabitants of Orel. The man did not have time to get out of the house during the fire and his corpse is watching the ongoing fuss.
The guy set fire to the draft board at night. Several dozens of cases of arsons of military enlistment offices in Russia have already been known. On social networks, users have created a map of arson.
A dramatic situation developed during a fire in one of the multi-storey buildings. Fleeing from the flames, two people tried to get out of the apartment, located on the 8th floor.