The terrorist cuts off the captive’s head


Islam is a bit of a strange religion. Why do these guys cut off prisoners’ heads and think that’s what they should be? I want to say, “Hey, guys, put your watch 400 years ahead!”

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. انا مسلم و اسكن في منطقة يكثر فيها الارهاب و بطبيعة الحال التقيت بالاف الارهابيين “isis”الحال كان اكثرهم غير مسلمين بل كان معضمهم ملحدين، بالاضافة الى انهم ليسو عرب حتى كانو من دول متفرقة من اسيا و افريقيا و اوربا ، قد اسرنا الكثير منهم و عند الاستجواب قالو انهم اتو من اجل المال

    1. ملحدين هههههه مزحة ضريفة ومحاولة جيدة منك لانقاذ دينك الارهابي

      1. I believe him. If ISIS were really muslims, they wouldn’t be killing PRIMARILY other muslims. Note how not a single Israeli has been killed and there was not a single attempt. Despite being in close vicinity. Yet they made threats to Turkey and fucking Russia far away on another continent, and even the US.
        ISIS is a closed chapter however, and just a speedbump in history.

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