Gamer died on live TV


Russian gamer Ofset died during a live stream while discussing the details of the Escape from Tarkov game with subscribers. He began to wheeze and leaned back in his chair. The man probably had a heart attack.

The corpse of 49-year-old Ofset was discovered by his mother 50 minutes later. All this time, the Trovo service showed a deceased person.



109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. RIP, that shits so fucked up bless his mother

  2. 49 and still living with his mom? Should’ve killed himself years ago.

    1. What if the mother needed aid from the son? I mean that’s the only logical reason someone would live with their mom after so long I believe. Either that or he’s mentally handicapped.

      1. lol or because he’s a typical gamer?

      2. So a 49 person cannot live with his mom ? Your mom give birth you you should keep your mom where you live.

  3. Lots of people took in their parents during the pandemic so they could look after them during isolation. Dont be so fucking judgmental. You dont know what his situation was.

  4. nigga dead xd!!!! poggers!!! nice trick shot connected outside the game xd

  5. It must be really bad to live long to witness ur kid die.

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