In Barnaul, an 11-year-old girl was raped with a plastic beer bottle and a video of the rape was sent to her mother.
On the morning of May 25, a 50-year-old woman turned to the police of the Oktyabrsky District of Barnaul with a statement that on 23 May 21, a group of teenagers beat and raped her 11-year-old daughter with a beer bottle in an abandoned house on Vodoprovodnaya Street.
The investigation revealed that the beating and sexual acts committed by a group of girls 13-14 years old who were victim to harassment in school.
In the evening of 05/23/2021, a 14-year-old girl, in the company of two 13-year-old girlfriends, being near the 57th house on Belova Street, met the victim and offered to “talk” in an abandoned house at 74 st. Vodoprovodnaya, Barnaul.
There, on the 2nd floor, the girl was beaten and shoved into the crotch of a 1.5 liter beer bottle. One of the attackers filmed it and sent the video to the victim’s mother via Whatsapp.
Currently, the perpetrators of the incident are detained, they, as minors, face up to 6 years in prison for this crime.
Barnaul, Russia.
Just 6 years wtf
No one’s pussy is worth 6 years
Your pussy is worth nothing, I wouldn’t even piss in it. You pathetic shitskin.
Oh yes you are lol
Raped by a bottle, I’m throwing out all my bottles in case the bastards try to rape me in my sleep.
They should all be featured in a torture video.
wtf I wanted to see rape
They did nothing imo it’s just teenagers being naughty. Plus they’re all cute and females they should be forgiven for their crimes.
They shouldn’t be imprisoned but they should be punished to make ot fair. Have them all be tied up and used by anyone who wants to so they can experience part of what they put the girl through.
just find them and bind their arm beinhd their backs and drag them across the streets
Was the video already censored when it was sent to this site or did this site do the censoring?
This video has already been censored
Que hija de puta pisando a un niñ@ me dan ganas de hagarlar y aplastarle la cabeza con un ladrillo hacerla llorrar mientras la ahorco XD re agresiva la tipa pero no hay que lastimar a personas indefensas aun así de lo que haya hecho ;-;
Maldita perra como quisiera matar a las dos y canibalisarlas
Put the bottle in her pussy
No you fucking incel
If your gonna put something in the title, put it in the video. Censor the hell out of it ofc but you can’t advertise horror and give a playground beating.
Kid probably deserved it. And probably enjoyed it.
Fucking kys I hope a rapid dog bites your microscopic dick off
Rapeing someone should be legal. And if a girl gets raped she should keep their mouth shut like my sis when i did it to her. I will advice my daughter if she gets in this kind of situation try to enjoy it and don’t scream if there are people nearby. ?
Joe Biden would love to lick that bottle.
She enjoyed it i think
FFS why don’t we get to see more? Also – she is old enough. When I was angry one time I was looking after my 2 yo daughter, I just needed to do something to relieve the stress. I used a bottle on her ass hole and it had water in it and I rinsed her out with it. When she kept crying I jut whacked it down hard