26-year-old Russian citizen Evgeniy Kuvshinov, while on vacation in Thailand, noticed a cute cow. However, everything did not go as the zoophile planned.
Since the Thai cow did not speak Russian, the man undressed and decided to have sex with her in the hope that the cow would not tell anything about her adventure.
However, next to the cow was her husband, a huge bull who did not like the fact that a naked man was trying to copulate with his wife.
As a result, the bull seriously wounded the failed zoophile. Local residents heard cries for help and called the police, who freed the unfortunate Eugene from the bloodthirsty paws, or rather the horns, of an upset animal.
A man with an anal injury was taken to the hospital, but doctors refused to treat him because the man behaved aggressively.
Police found marijuana in his car. Presumably, the man was under the influence of drugs.
I would like to be bull for freaky slavic муж 🥰
They are the most masculine. The war in Ukraine is a terrible tragedy brutalizing men with NATO artillery and missiles. We don’t bear all responsibility for things in this world, just like we don’t bear all responsibility for the Gaza slaughter, but pathetically stupid Americans who have never picked up a history book in their lives all either support the Ukraine debacle or Isreali human shields and torture in detention camps, idiotically injecting themselves with mRNA and believing we landed men on the moon with 1960s technology. Newsflash my fellow American retards, USSR killed 5 million fanatical German soldiers, 10 times what UK and USA killed. Defeated Napoleon and the Golden Horde. Westerns killed more civilians in bombing raids in WW2 than on the battlefields. I will seize control of this country one day, I will amass a harem of the most intelligent and virile men. Below is my favorite composer Scriabin. What a dreamboat, too bad he had to die of a septic pimple.
Russians like you are the most useless, stupid and arrogant beings. Cry and lie more!
Hand on the bible, I am born and raised in Massachusetts, of mostly Irish extraction. I would read english translations of the Gulag Archipeligo and Dostoyevsky’s four masterworks in high school though, several books by Nabakov, and Tolstoy’s two epics after I graduated, as well as writers like Bely and Bulgakov. I also read a lot of history, particularly of the 20th century, and watched the transcendent Tarkovsky films, learning the cyrillic alphabet although my actual knowledge of the language remains minimal. I would also listen to Russian rappers like Pharoah and Oxxymiron. I have been in a homosexual relationship with a Russian man for about 5 years. I was born in 1997 and am 26 years old. If the totality of your knowledge of Russia is from Red Dawn and Rocky 4 I bid adieu to you sir. I am not an expert, but rather a gen z’er who takes nominal interest in the world outside America. *Tips Fedora
Other comments are not being published, I forgot to say I also enjoyed historical works like Life and Fate and Kolyma Tales. True suffering! 2020s in America has been wretched for many so far, with dangerous vaccines and lethal drugs and spiritual emptiness and street crime and unaffordable prices, but we have no excuses for our failings like a child of that era would.
Literature was my passion. In elementary school, I enjoyed the 19th century gothic. Poe, Hawthorne, the brothers Grimm, the Bronte sisters, Moby-Dick, Jules Verne and Charles Dickens on lighter days. Than there were the great southern masters like McCarthy, Faulkner, O’Connor. American postmodernists like Pynchon and Wallace. Or Noble prize winners Coetzee and Patrick White. Finally my eyes were opened to the possibilities of the 21st century novel when I read Bolano’s 2666 and Les Bienveillantes. Grotesque, erudite, epic in scale, both having scenes on the eastern front. Compare to Terra Nostra by Fuentes the great Mexican master, starting in that month of terrible significance, July (7) 1999. Finally the titanic works by Proust and Musil great continental individualistic sickos. I must say finally with regret, that it seems to be many pederasts who have great genius. Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde, Thomas Mann, Andre Gide, William Burrroughs, Samuel Delaney. As Trump would say, sad!
Kill all fucking crackers
Sorry Mr. CrackerHater since Trump has been elected I have been promised a cute black twink by the authorities to call my own, who will wear MAGA hats and tight American flag underwear. He will give me sloppy head and I will destroy his tight ass and he will admire my larger penis and I will hold him in my strong arms.
It is so scary
Bestiality among white people: a long history!
Does anyone know websites where there is real rape videos
ive tried looking before but found none. my guess would be no.
Stupid Russians what can you expect more from them.. their fucking minors sell on telegram, they are always influence under some drugs and alcohol.
Respectfully 50-60% of Russian population is dumb cuz you can see bahaha.
A Russian girl messaged me from a Russian group one day and she’s 11 and when she told me I said motherfucker child go away from here… But she didn’t.. she told me a lot of her story…
She said I’m polysexual and I was like motherfucker i don’t know what that shit is, i searched it on google and came to know that’s another fucking LGBTQ+ clown shit..
She has a GF and many other relationships and I was like kid you don’t even know how to read properly and you know about all other crazy shit… You aren’t a fucking minor you are like those fucking white american delusional womens…
She said also she hates russia and love america… And I messaged my one Russian friend and said to him: brah LGBTQ shit is banned there and there’s someone in my contact that’s existing there… Even her whole family her mom is also a lesbian… (She told me about this later)
And I said to him call Putin or army and tell them invader is right in your own house bahahaha.
Idk what happened later, idk if she’s alive or not or the army fucked everyone of those bahahaha