Does Allah rejoice when the victim’s brains fly out after being shot in the head? The bloodthirsty and monstrous punishment, the more pleased Allah?
Does Allah rejoice when the victim’s brains fly out after being shot in the head? The bloodthirsty and monstrous punishment, the more pleased Allah?
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Allah commands they people to put to death they people who kill people by beheading them, not by being shot in the head. because if you shoot the head of the brain, the person’s heart is still beating, if the heart is shot, the brain is still working
Allah also orders the death penalty for the perpetrator so that the perpetrator is forgiven from the torment after life and avenges the crime of the perpetrator (life for life)
Allah in one of his holy books said something that goes by this “if u shoot the head, what happens? The heart is pumping. And what happens if you shoot the heart? The brain is functioning.”
And in another book he said the way for executions is beheading. And to recite his name (ALLAHU Akbar [meaning Allah the great])
But this video is probably from the talibans.
this guy might become a god and people worship him, who knows.