African justice. Thief burned alive


A thief is burned for stealing motorcycles. A two-man gang stole motorcycles and engaged in robberies. One of the thieves escaped, and the other was first beaten to a pulp and then burned alive.

The police tried to obstruct the crowd, but failed. According to one of the participants in the events, they burned the thief to intimidate other robbers who kill motorcyclists and steal motorcycles.



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  1. I love seeing niggers get their due. This should happen in America as well to looters, instead of catch and release.

    1. stupid motherfucker america is the land of native americans not you english and french or other white european shitbag looters. this is you who occupied other people’s lands. i’m not even african but would be happy to see you all dead.

      1. You would like to see us dead? Well, how do you expect us to respond to that and see you from now on? Nicely and on friendly terms?
        Native Americans were absolute subhumans who were running around killing eachother. We brought law, order and human civilization. Now look at what came out of that continent. The biggest superpower the world has ever seen and will see as long as there is mankind.
        It’s understandable that you sympathize with the native americans, because we have raped maimed and killed you arab shitskins just as much as them. Two losers huddling up to plot against the white man. Or are you Chinese? Or are you South American? Or are you Indian? No matter where you are on Earth, odds are that the Imperial European Empires have at one point in history: colonized, subjugated, put you in your place and absolutely skull fucked you. You want us dead because you fear us and have an inferiority complex. We want you dead because we are disgusted by you, caveman.

        1. Kissing the feet of colonizers, huh? How pathetic and spineless you are. You Europeans invaded and destroyed countless native societies, stealing their lands and resources. You brought diseases, slavery, and genocide. You’re nothing but a bunch of thieving, murderous savages. Your “civilization” is a facade for your cruelty and greed. You can’t even acknowledge your own barbaric history without getting defensive and hostile. Your so-called “superpower” is built on the suffering and exploitation of others. Your “culture” is a joke and a fraud. You’re all hypocrites and liars, hiding behind your own fabricated history. You brought nothing but pain and suffering to the world. You’re all disgusting pieces of shit.

    2. In America they get swiss cheesed with pistols on the regular. They’re just too dumb for their own good. For the looting situation there should have been APCs and IFVs on the road, SWAT, military, whatever have you. Every now and then you have to show your dog who the master is, if he insists on misbehaving

  2. this is one of the reason why african still poor:

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