Again lynching negros


The phrase ‘And you have negros being lynched’ ceases to be a meme. Some dudes were thrown with rocks and tires and then set on fire. Lynching is common in Africa.

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    1. Come on be a Human at least.

      1. Whenever you see a lynching like this, it’s usually a pedophile / child rapist, killer, thief or witch. So nothing to be compassionate about

        1. people who have committed crimes should be tried in a court of law, not being killed by a crowd.

          1. A court of law is a feature of a human civilization.
            Monkeys aren’t that evolved yet

          2. This is what happens when people lose faith in their justice system.

      2. Ultraviolence is the norm in these countries, and the Jews and Chinese NWO want to move these savages to white countries and prosecute you if you fight back against their pets.

      3. nah, i love them dirty skin african niggers being killed like this, makes my day and happy

  1. Now only if niggers around the world would do this to each other we’d have a better world!

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