Tortures (Page 5)

Torture, executions, chopping off limbs

Revolucionarios do Amazonas (RDA) bandits show the severed head dripping with the blood of a man nicknamed 'Sandalo' who was kidnapped shortly before. Manuas, Brazil.
A pedophile raped a 10-year-old girl, killed, cut out her breasts and vagina. He was soon caught by the locals and lynched. Nigeria.
The bound woman is stabbed several times in the neck with a machete and dragged along the road. The blood is flowing. Voice-over says: 'Traitor!'
In the video, the bandits demonstrate weapons while in the background a dude cheerfully and defiantly butchers the corpse of the victim. Brazil. Video.
The bandits show a dismembered corpse and three fingers as a sign of belonging to the Terceiro Comando Puro crime syndicate.