Today my Telegram account was deleted. This is the sixth account that has been deleted. Somehow everything is not going well with this ‘democratic’ messenger.
The problem is that when you delete an account, everything connected with it is deleted – bots, groups, channels.
I don’t know for what specific reasons Telegram deletes my accounts, one can only guess about this.
But I noticed 2 things:
- My Telegram account is being deleted after I lead an active controversy in “cotton”, pro-Russian groups.
- My account is being deleted, probably after complaints about the DEADHOUSE channel.
But this time, I don’t even understand why. The fact is that I bought Telegram accounts. I created a channel from one of them, and transferred administrator rights to the other.
That is, if there was a complaint about the channel creator’s channel, then the channel and account would be deleted, and if there was a complaint about the administrative account, then only the account.
However, both of my accounts have been deleted.
At the same time, the cover of the DEADHOUSE channel was created from a third, ‘gray’ account. And she survived, which was the calculation.
So sooner or later you will see a message on it about the resumption of the DEADHOUSE channel.