Harakiri 腹切り – ritual suicide ripping open the abdomen by Japanese samurai.
There are several forms of hara-kiri or seppuku 切腹.
Harakiri has been used in Japan since ancient times. It was believed that hara-kiri saved the Japanese from shame.
In some cases, hara-kiri used ritual decapitation, when the samurai’s best friend became the executioner.
During the WW2, Japanese soldiers used hara-kiri if they could not withstand the onslaught of the enemy and fulfill their duty to the Emperor.
In these cases, not only swords and special knives for hara-kiri were used, but also any improvised items. Often a hand grenade was used for hara-kiri.
The serviceman brought a grenade to his stomach and pulled out the pin.
That pictures took from south korea not japan
Basically, it’s all the same, the main thing is that the dude cuts his guts. I don’t know, maybe the tradition of ripping open one’s belly is typical for Korea, but we don’t read Japanese well, and even more so in Cuts.
Apparently this was done by Koreans in protest against the Yamato period
I seriously don’t understand why my country ( south korea) also do this , well here it is called as “seppuku” , never saw irl but heard the cases of people slashing thier abdomen and sucide rates are high especially young teenagers. SERIOUSLY WTFFF. I don’t know whether your saving urself from shame by cutting ur own body ..but i know one thing for sure that your fucking with your life , Which will end up in a disaster.
Honor culture, mental illness, etc.
As far as the general suicide rates in South Korea goes, apparently it’s mostly socioeconomic, employment age discrimination (over 50), not to be a burden to their families, and what I think is mostly the case is: depression from everyone being so socially unavailable all the time, especially in developed countries, declining physical health from lack of exercise, bad diet, terrible hormonal profiles with decreasing average testosterone rates because men are pussies nowadays.
Also, drinking can be disastrous. Look at the Eastern European countries. Belarus has a high suicide rate and are among the biggest alcohol consumers per capita on the planet, if not the biggest. Also they prefer spirits (hard liquor like Rum, Whiskey, Vodka etc.).
All in all, people need to reconsider their lives. Relax, take a breath, it’ll be all good. The sun will still rise tomorrow, it gets better. You have one life, don’t waste it, especially not if you’re a teenager. High school isn’t that important.
It happens everywhere. There’s a reason why people self-immolating themselves. They think they can get the message through with suicide. Naive logic let me tell you
How i’d like to go