The girl’s head is smashed with a hammer and her eyes are gouged out with a knife. Probably Mexico
The girl’s head is smashed with a hammer and her eyes are gouged out with a knife. Probably Mexico
© DEADHOUSE 2003 - 2025
Sick fuckers. Worse than animals.
Yes. This is so cruel.
Imaginate estar hay viva
I agree. I actually cringed at this one and it was a bit tough to watch. The fact that it’s guys doing it too is just nasty
wtf are you taling about. It’s litteraly drowning with Brazilian men torturing/brutally executing women all over this website. It’s a hotbed. Where have you been?
I will read all of this man’s comments its are very interesting
This is Brazil, not Mexico.
Brazil. They speak Portuguese.
Fuck yeah love watching her get caved in! And when her eyes POP! ??
too satisfying. i love seeing heads smashed
You are sick!! I hope you get help.
LOL sez the CUNT lurking on murder sites. fuck OFF
Yeah because curiosity is a bitch. Doesn’t negate the fact that losers like you are the bottom trash of society that need to be exterminated and wiped out completely. Y’all are goofy ass clients who get no pussy, got bullied for being a bitch, so now go in these types of websites to fantasize like the little bitches y’all are. Never would you pussys say this shit publicly cause you know you’re a pussy ass bitch who’ll get stomped out. Suck a dick and tell your whore mother/deadbeat dad to unalive you.
why are you here than?
Oh god please give that soul place in the heaven, and burn these bastard in hell fir eternity.
Spics killing spics. Who fucking cares.
Too bad It wasn’t a worthless white cunt
I want to try this on women. I want to kidnap them and beat their brains out and rape their pussies and buttholes and then skin them and chop them up? ?.
you do you mate
retard name own by the nigger white sissy. we need FUCKING KILL FUCKING NIGGER and KILL white beta sissy who follow nigger with name QAUNDALE DINGLE. fucking punk bitch.
I hope you get raped in the ass by a big dicked nigger not a black person but a real nigger there’s a difference
i am a 12 year old white child originating from russia, and that is incredibly racist
i really don’t like your username and i don’t support how you attack others
i’m sorry i had to be exposed to such a website at 12 years of age and i don’t know what happened to you, but it is not good to be racist.
?sad fuck burn in hell mothafucka
נערה מסכנה
damn sick shit how I want to end their miserable and pathetic lives, how I would love to skin those shitty murderers, and all with a potato peeler and then start to cut their flesh and muscles, I would do it so slowly and painfully, making sure not to cut any veins to make sure they suffer as much as possible so they learn their fucking lesson once and for all, You guys deserve a fate way worse than death.
No dont you asshole, were humans too…
Hablas de hombres?jAjaja
Tienes que ir a un psicologo
You need help as much as these freaks do in the video. Fuck you.
The video is brazilian, she probably was involved with criminal factions, this kind of death is very common in brazilian factions wars.
Wtf is this type of death is common then i dont wanna imagine the uncommon death. Shit
God, yeah. You got a point there
Sao không đập vào lồn cô ta
Sick vile beasts, lower than slime!
Sick bastreds burn in this live and hereafter
I’m jerking my dirty dick to this stuff I love this shit.
Especially seeing her eyeballs pop out it makes my dick so hard. ??
Bruh that’s how Ted bundy got started off he would jerk off to murder porn and started raping and killing women don’t go down that path
You’re definitely white
And you are a inferior ape
The darker the skin, the more primitive the subhuman
Ich bin Türke und 35 und liebe so Scheise und wikse immer dazu. Bin ich normales Mann oder was?
This is nothing surprising since most shitskins are sub-human. Also, it’s funny that you’re talking German, little immigrant.
Now, a kebab with everything and a yoghurt, chop chop. Keep the change little man
הם חולים
כמה חבל :(
Fuck you turkish kebab I hope your mom gets raped and your family gets tortured and killed
I’d rather be shot than be treated this way. Sick animals
I love this video so much the way they gouge out her eyes makes my dick so hard. I want to try this on a woman.
Everyrhing u say and do is recorded. We’ll be in touch.
Animal kills animal while using human technology to film it
Head sounds hollow, I knew women have half of the intelligence than of a man.
?Sahih al-Bukhari 2658; Book 52, Hadith 22
Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?” The women said, “Yes.” He said, “This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.”
😪 talking bout yourself?
who films these videos and are these real ?
I hope there is a hell specifically like for the people who did this. Nothing but eternal torment will be justice for murdering the innocent
She gets dumber every time her head gets smashed lol.