On October 30, 2018, an anonymous user posted links to 2 videos on the 2ch imageboard. In these videos, a group of young people calling themselves “Project Sanitater-88” beat and kill homeless people using cold weapons.
We bring one of these videos to your attention.
The action takes place in Moscow, Biberevo, next to the Church of the Triumph of Orthodoxy in Altufevo.
The video was quickly removed, but one of the stories was posted on the Telegram channel 2ch.
These videos were published by the neo-Nazi group “White Hunter Society (O.B.O)” vk.com/obo16. (Now this public is blocked, but there is a copy of it.) For a competition in which neo-Nazis showed scenes of beatings and murders.
The video “Project Sanitater-88” quickly became interested in law enforcement agencies.

Paradoxically, 2ch users quickly found one of the authors of this video themselves.
It turned out to be a student from St. Petersburg Vitaly Tkachenko
Soon the young man was detained. He was charged with attempted murder.
The man he stabbed several times survived.
God I hate these cunts. They should all have their families disemboweled in front of them before their public executions. Nazi scum. DEATH TO ALL FASH CUNTS!!!
If this is what you advocate for, then how are you any better or less of a “Nazi scum” than them, you incoherent Irish turd? In fact, you’re not, because you want innocent people disemboweled. Yer silly cunt mate ye boyo
Fuck you commie faggot I should disembowel you mom and rape her fuck all commies heil hitler Irish people aren’t even commies you phony motherfucker this is why hitler should’ve won the war
fuck you siegheil you got your head up your ass and im tired of your shit
What’s wrong with him supporting his political party? Nobody insults you for supporting yours. So much for tolerance from the leftists.
She can’t tolerate…anything
how can Irish people not be communists? communism is a political ideology not a race/ethnicity. this just shows how intellectually inept you really are.
I know you feel all edgy and cool being into this shit. i’ve known many friends go down the same route. I kinda feel sorry for you guys as messed up as your beliefs are. You all just seem angry all the time and kinda snowflakey. also don’t you think its a bit embarrassing idolising someone who died in 1945? seems to me like fascism failed even more than communism lmao.
Nur der Kommunismus ist gescheitert. Der Nationalsozialismus lebt nach wie vor, ist wieder auf dem Vormarsch und wird bald siegen! 88
I’m a fucking dumb faggot and a retard who is cognitively incapable of performing simple tasks because I am too busy being an idjut on the web. Please kill me!
Kill yourself faggot.
Oder Du wirst hingerichtet? Hättest du Fotze verdient!