Girls beat guy


Teenage showdown. A girl with her friends beat her ex-boyfriend, spits in his face, and her friends beat him with an insulated wire. The guy doesn’t resist.

Basically it is a conversational genre, a girl asks a guy: “Are we breaking up?” The guy says “Yes” and then the girl kicks in. The entire execution is interspersed with the girl’s claims that the young man did not respond to her SMS and ignored her in every possible way.

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. 3-4 teen girls slapping, punching, kicking 1 guy. Straddling and whipping him. Some guys pay for this

    1. He didn’t do anything. He doesn’t have to pay for the real rapists and abusers out there, why do you even generalize this? If a man or woman does something wrong, why do you even blame a whole gender? the problem is the individual, he/she is the one who needs punishment

      1. It’s actually disgusting imagiene how the test of his life will play out bc of this n how fucked up any relationship hel end up in if so will be bc of these dumb af teenagers

      2. Shut up. Go away. Men and women are enemies. All men are Evil (except homos)

        1. Is this because you have daddy issues?

      3. idk from sum personal experinces if the dude would have hit back in most normal cases the dude would have fought assult charges and other things thats why he wasnt being bitched but more of letting them hit him so theyd just leave him alone

      4. I agree. All he did was break up with her and was man enough not to hit them (even though it would be completely justifiable). They must think they’re so tough beating on someone who isn’t hitting back. Those are the kinds of bitches I would’ve fought as a teen

  2. I’d beat the shit out of those girls and then fucked them!

    1. Me 2, but I’d torturet them first fora while, the top it of with burning them to death.. id even save some time for the beta cuck that let them do this to him, id rape him for atleast 15min,the way he behaved in this video makes me suspect that he’d probably like itso i wouldn’t hold back whatsoever to make sure he’s not cumming all kver himself… x)
      /Love BTK Jr the second

      1. AaWww what a wonderful afternoon that would’ve been, makes me rock hard just to think about it.. ????

        1. Whoa, watch out don’t cut yourself on that edge, lord.

      2. Jesus Christ im telling the fbi you crazy fuck ive never read something so creepy in my life i hope you find the help you need and maybe can become something for society but tell that happens we need to take you out back blow your fucking brains out preferable unloading the entire clip in you. we don’t need another school shooter

        1. This is what 85% of white man look and act like on this earth, chimpanzees looking cucks. No spine.

          1. Meanwhile whole African continent colonized by 7 White countries in 30 years. You are speaking English because you are forced to, you aren’t even on your native continent anymore. Do you see the irony here, nigger? Which country did you get dragged out of? What’s your native language? Who are your people? Guess we’ll never know, nigger.

        2. LMAO. I find it so funny when cunts are so triggered over online comments

      3. weird faggot hope isis finds you and behead you nigger

      4. yall are some gay ass faggots yous a fuckin bitch so deadass yo ass gotta have sum issues on sum “id rape him” nigga your weird asf fr also obv whhy he wasnt hitting bak is cuz jhe aint want no charges pressed on him on of my homies dad was being beat on by his girlfreind constanatly so eventauly he thought fuck if she gonna try to press charges she was hitting me also so he fucking clocked her in the face after all that shit and guess what he went to prison not her he did

        1. I think you comment needs subtitles. And those with the misfortune having to consider what you say should take a valium first. Do you even understand yourself when you speak? Or does someone else translate what you said back to you so you know what you just said.

          Also, try to use punctuation. If you spoke the way you wrote, you’d be so out of breath you’d probably faint from lack of oxygen. Punctuation isn’t just purposed for creating Text-Emojis you know. i.e. ;) :) :o. If you don’t want to use your brains when communicating, go use a language built for that. Like French for instance.

    2. I like to have sex with her body and cut her PUSSy off

    1. Dude. That boy looks like an incel lmao.
      And she’s mad about losing him..?

    1. I would be ok with this guy killing them he got hit more than three times see how tuff they are when they got shotgun down they throat ha ha

  3. i would have beaten the shit out of them and then raped them in the anus while my fingers are pulling her pussy upwards and then killing her

    1. mdrr ferme ta geule taurais rien fait ptite salope tu parle tu parle mais t’agis pas petite pute


  4. 老帖们还喜欢病娇吗

    1. Malditas viejas hijas de su puta madre valen verga pero por qué mierdas no se defendió el chico? Si yo fuera el les metería una verguisa alas 4 por mamonas al igual le daría una bofetadas ala wera que la bofeteaba más

  5. That’s actually cute considering all the videos on this site.

  6. all men are sluts, beat his ass

    1. @angelinna WTFFF..what if he was innocent, like i mean i know there are pedo and rapist …but even myself as a girl i have to agree that there are so exist sluts, bitches ..those who framed innocent man and get away with it ..this also seems like that case… because if this guy was a psychopath he wouldn’t even have had them led thier fingers on him, he would’ve killed them and recorded thier torture …so i belive he is innocent here ..these whores are fUCKING nasty bitches spoiled character….i felt a lot DISGUST .in South Korea this shit happens a lot .in my collage there was this rich bitch who would bully anyone she felt the need …mostly were boys for no reason. I’m not even into feminism because of these shits happen to boys .. because i can’t even hate boys ..and also the rape cases we heard in news who knows if there was a bitch behind who framed innocent man?? The thing is …If these girls died tomorrow or today i won’t feel any type of sympathy..infact i will happy that some bitches died. BUT if there is a real rapist or pedo ..i hope the worst happens to those monster inhumane scum

      1. bro yous a goat fr good shit on your part for actually being normal sum times men get the short end of the stick in most domestic abuse cases im happy he didnt hit back or possibly he could be looking at jail time also these dumbass bitches are RETARTED if i was this dude id take them to court like who tf comits a crime and records it

    2. People who take up extreme positions on basic gender issues usually have some problems and need to do some soul searching. Poor little Angelina here was obviously hurt at some point.

      1. bro are u playin your acttualy dumb asf i would be fine with hearing ur side of the story or your thoughts but bro either way if my gf broke up with me that dosent give me the right to beat her ass with my friends correct imagine 3 dudes agianst 1 girl and yall would be like omg thats cruel but when rules are revesed it bro good job women like tf

        ps ur actual scum kys you peice of shit

      2. bro are u playin your acttualy dumb asf

        1. Why do you talk like your nigger mother dropped you on your nappy head when you were a little nigglet?

    3. i hope you get raped you stupid woman

  7. @angelinna WTFFF..what if he was innocent, like i mean i know there are pedo and rapist …but even myself as a girl i have to agree that there are so exist sluts, bitches ..those who framed innocent man and get away with it ..this also seems like that case… because if this guy was a psychopath he wouldn’t even have had them led thier fingers on him, he would’ve killed them and recorded thier torture …so i belive he is innocent here ..these whores are fUCKING nasty bitches spoiled character….i felt a lot DISGUST .in South Korea this shit happens a lot .in my collage there was this rich bitch who would bully anyone she felt the need …mostly were boys for no reason. I’m not even into feminism because of these shits happen to boys .. because i can’t even hate boys ..and also the rape cases we heard in news who knows if there was a bitch behind who framed innocent man?? The thing is …If these girls died tomorrow or today i won’t feel any type of sympathy..infact i will happy that some bitches died. BUT if there is a real rapist or pedo ..i hope the worst happens to those monster inhumane scum

  8. Stupid teenagers i would like to see your heads cut out because u all are fucking pathetic worthless pieces of shit

  9. Is this the famous female empathy? Gynocentrism is the norm even in Russia.

  10. man just sat there and ATE those slaps god damn

    1. ik good shit on him for not folding or crying or even not beating the shit outta them cuz he prolly would of got blamed

  11. Poor guy he should of fought back

  12. Yo les hago la de Jonh cena a todas

  13. impressive demonstration of willpower i would have snapped after a few slaps or maybe he’s just maso idk

  14. what’s wrong with this guy? if me, i will fuck all these bitches.

  15. No offenence or anything like that, but her slaps sound like plaps of hardcore sex

  16. Hate bullies be it male or female and ganging up on someone? (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)

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