Armenian soldiers cut off the head of an elderly Azerbaijani


An elderly Azerbaijani’s head is cut off and his corpse is placed next to the corpse of a pig. The video was made 3 years ago or so.

Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia/Azerbaijan.

109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



  1. Budapest and Bucharest, Armenia and Azerbaijan, North and South Sudan, Somalia and Somaliland, Henan and Hubei, 99% of Americans would struggle to identify these places on maps of the so called ‘globe’ and they sure as shit can’t tell you a difference between them. Hell, they get Austria and Australia confused!
    Meanwhile blacks and lahtinos continue to rob rape and murder. You have no idea what it’s like living in the belly of the beast! The great continents of death!

    1. Love turns towards hate like a system tends towards entropy, and yet in this losing battle we face in the struggle against evil, the profound evil that lurks in the recesses of all human hearts, we find our manhood, with reproduction coming in only a distant second place in terms of importance. The actions of a few deranged individuals can cause vast amounts of harm, evil is highly potent while goodness is milquetoast, inoffensive, often pathetic.
      The great Russian Ivan Ilyin wrote whole books on the subject, how god wants us to defend ourselves.
      All things truly wicked start from innocence
      -Ernest Hemingway

  2. That is wrong. Soldiers speak azerbaijani.

      1. Don’t know, but im part Armenian and they’re not speaking Armenian.

      2. “This is how the martyrs are avenged”
        “They are dishonorable blyat”
        And the guys in the back are discussing what to do with the body.

  3. These are not Armenian soldiers. They are the soldiers of Armenia, who are beheading Armenian soldiers and people with the support and suggestion of Israel and Turkey. The soldiers of Azerbaijan killed many Armenian soldiers.

    1. Author

      I have already given a detailed comment in the Russian version, I will repeat it here:

      There is always confusion with the video from Karabakh. Let me explain. The people in the video speak the Karabakh dialect.
      It seems like they speak Armenian, but through the word they speak Azerbaijani.
      We periodically receive criticism for incorrect descriptions of videos from Karabakh, specifically for this video:
      1. The video was first published on an Azerbaijani channel 2 or 3 years ago. It is clear that the Azerbaijanis would not publish a video of their soldiers cutting off someone’s head.
      2. The insider who provided the video provided it with exactly the same comment as in our headline.

      But ok. Since no one can really say what kind of people are in the video and even a native speaker of the Armenian language, and there is one in our team, cannot determine whether they are Azerbaijanis or Armenians, all further videos will be published with neutral headings.

      We are ready to admit our mistakes, if they really are mistakes. But I don’t see any direct evidence that the title of this video contradicts what I saw.

      Let everything remain as it is.

      1. “The Kharabakh dialect” no siily this isn’t Armenian at all…

  4. They are Azerbaijanis killing an Armenian! The flags on their shoulder patches are Azerbaijani! It is a classic Muslim thing to headchop. They do it much more frequently than Christians. They put the head on a pig, saying that Christians are pigs.

    it was on an Azeri channel? Really ? With Azeri shoulder patches? You have to be kidding me. In any case, flase flags occur all the time.

    People need to use their wits when seeing such things. How was the video found? It was likely found on a dead Azerbaijani’s body like most such videos are.

  5. Does anyone have more information on the dialect? I can understand it to some extent, clearly Turkish, but it doesn’t really sound like Azerbaijani to me.

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