Dogs tore off his genitals


The naked man was hounded by dogs in the most cruel way. The dogs tore off the man’s genitals. At the same time, he screams terribly, and the torturers plug his mouth with a rag.


109992, Kitajgorodskij pr., d.7, str.2, Moscow, Russia +74959833393



      1. another agreement here, WTF

    1. But what I heard was, “Chopper, sic balls!”
      -Stand By Me.

  1. This is one of the only videos that is almost to brutal for me to be able to watch… I’m a woman but holy shit. This video and the video of a guy (from I think Brazil..) gets his tongue cut out and fingers chopped off for lying/stealing, all while trying to stick his severed tongue back in his mouth.

    1. In my opinion, the scariest videos are when a person’s head is broken with a pickax or an ax. This sound is just hell!

      1. The worst are the ones with their heads peeled, but what the fuck do I know.

    2. Agree with you though constantly watching these type of videos makes one emotionless right?

      1. This Man Is a rape child viva México

      2. It sounds sad but this is my purpose, I don’t wanna be hurt by this sick world any more, sigh.

        1. Not sad, it’s actually pragmatic and completely rational.

    3. We Need definate more Love and forgiveness in ouer World.

      God bless you Brothers and Sisters

      1. It’s goes against humanity why he doing it with him ? Who is running this website what your purpose?

    4. Exactly! This is ur average nigger . This is why they were colonized by white so they can change from subhumans to somewhat human which they are STILL not . Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, maxico all of them are subhumans after subhuman, look at Africa swamp nigger after sand nigger to inferior ape. They only drag down a developing country. God I’m blessed to be born a white girl from South Korea…atleast these shits doesn’t happens here .

      1. You’re kidding right? You zipperhead mongoloids are not even the same as humans and koreans are the bottom of the mongoloid scale go back to the dumpster you call kitchen, maybe there’s a rotted cabbage or a dead cat you can eat there

      2. I agree, it is totally culture. Culture can change, of course, but it takes time, with wise men leading the way.

      3. all ppl are like this, you live in a country that does not allow you to do these things , thats how it should be globally, i dont care about this guy as much as the innocent dogs hurt training these dogs, i say to you faggot ugoslaves to leave other dogs alone and just practice on you and humans not innocent stray dogs, down with dog fighting and the best punishment for dog fighter breeders is to blow torch em and barbecue them to feed them to the dogs!

    5. thats leocer hugo, blinded afterwards and kept alive to suffer more

      1. Is that the correct spelling of his name?? i’ve googled it but nothing? got a link?


    1. What could the mammal possibly be performing?

    2. They’re making a movie it’s called “Dog Day Afternoon”…google it.

  2. Pretty disturbing, I wonder what he did ….

  3. I saw one version that said he was a chomo but this kind of shit happens all of the time in third world countries with small populations that couldn’t possibly have that many sexual predators per capita! Not even a country as large as Mexico where this has been purported to have taken place. Bottomline:This poor fucker could have been innocent. Latin American countries are notorious for punishing crime via mob rule. Be grateful you live in a country with due process of law!

    1. they said there was a longer version ofvthis where he shits diarrea in ao much pain

  4. In theory, the man had been a rapist, but since the drug cartels are, perhaps he was just a rival hit man. Although the subject, as mentioned by the authorities, was a pedophile rapist

  5. This is why I fucking hate dogs, I’m cynophobic because I know what these motherfuckers will do to me.

    1. In other words, you’re a bitch with low testosterone. Not something to brag about.

      1. My man I didn’t even finish. I want all dogs to die. Fuck you and your fucking dog all dog owners deserve to die as well. Dogs are still impure beasts just like niggers. Consider hanging yourself. “ LoW tEsToStErOnE “ go back to reddit if you are so insecure about your masculinity, not much to speak about your masculinity when you need a retarded wolf type beast for your “ fEeLiNgS “. I don’t fear them, I’m disgusted by them and I despise them.

        1. lol. I’m not a dog owner, but I don’t hate them. They’re very loyal animals and always come to your aid when they think you’re in trouble. I’m fine with my masculinity and don’t prove myself by asserting my dominance over animals. Whenever someone says they have a “phobia”, I think they’re either a bitch or a little out there mentally, like they’re a little wacky and have a few screws loose. Always very hard to talk to as well, like some uppity fuckhead on meth. And niggers are shit, glad we agree on that at least.

          1. Calling someone a bitch because of a fear they can’t control? I used to suffer from that fear, took me over 10 years to get rid of it. Nothing you can control, fuck anyone who thinks people have a phobia because they are sensitive babies. I want to cleanse dogs out of existence not prove my dominance over them since I already know humanity is destined to rule.

          2. Also I’d rather have a bear live in my house than a fucking dog.

          3. You want to wipe out all dogs to appease and soothe all the wackos born with phobias? “I already know humanity is destined to rule”, thats more angsty teenager shit. Yes, we are at the top of the animal kingdom, doesn’t mean we should kill every other animal you retard. We coexist in this world and they all have useful roles in nature. You say you’re not trying to assert your dominance over animals, but then you say humanity is destined to rule and we should wipe out dogs. Make up your fucking mind. People who think like this are usually scared manlet brats fearful of their own shadows, at the bottom of their social circle, and only way they can feel big is by making life itself a competition with other animals. With that I mean people WITHOUT phobias. Most people love animals, including dogs. They’re among the first domesticated animals and have a lot of uses, and are very loyal to their owners, like I said earlier.
            Nobody sees animals as some sort of competition or threat to their life. Whenever someone says they dont like animals or hate some animal, the general public is usually repulsed by said weirdo. Even the worst dictators loved animals.

          4. I also hate You Alien Looking White Mutts,,
            Let’s have a Convo on what we hate about each other??,,
            I’m Black,, in case u didn’t know,,
            I love Racism,, it’s the most misunderstood emotion in human history

          5. Loser race, better start learning Chinese, since the Chinese are colonizing your native continent slowly. You hate whites because of jealousy, envy, and a very deep inferiority complex. We hate you because you stink like shit and contribute nothing to human civilization. So, you can’t say “I also hate you”, because we hate you out of disgust, you hate us out of fear and awe.
            What do you know about “human history”? You don’t even read. Open a history book for once. It’s where your failures as a subhuman race are exposed and catalogged forever, for all of mankind to see. Little subhuman shitskin.

          6. @oogabooga lmao u made me laugh ?. It’s true exactly..they don’t even have a’s thanks to white people who dragged these inferior apes out of thier shitholes but again, they never change , what they achieved? Nothing absolutely, a total disregard of basic human rights, they are really loser , cannbilsm is still practiced , on seeing white they try to act like a normal functioning humans which they fails miserably since subhumans can’t learn. ALSO it’s not ethical for a swine to tell ” i hate you” since we are the one who developed – clothes, machines, delicious food, phones, languages. I can only imagine how a race have zero contribution to humanity…but only know how to cause trouble for CIVILISED society. Just look Sudan ( Africa subhuman place,) what they are doing? They are stealing, looting, lying and killing by guns (white invention), just see the irony, that’s how these apes repay us. It’s because ur PATHETIC race , once you are given freedom , your natural monkey animalistic behavior starts to re-surface. The best way to have you in control is to colonize you all. No wonder Chinese are already doing it. Loser fucking shitskins inferior apes.. Hey have a banana ? you monkey .

        2. fuck you. a dog shit rip you junk off too

    2. Dont hate dogs, hate the beasts who would train a dog to do such a thing.


  6. The dod didn’t know how to give a blow job. it was still trying it’s best. lmao

  7. Der Dreck gehört erschossen! Natürlich meine ich die Barbaren da!

  8. ¿Que puta mierda es…, joder que salvaje?

  9. what a great way to torture a guy! even if he lived he can’t live well

  10. dude was apparently a rapist, i’d say he deserved it

  11. Instead of voting for senile old men like Biden, vote for someone who will carpet-bomb the shit out of the Mexican countryside.

    1. Come get some . Just like the Spanish got crushed bye our tribes. On the NS

  12. Seriously though, this type of brutality is in Mexican culture (maybe even in the blood). The centuries of lack of regard for education and/or skills hasn’t weeded out the barbarians and psychopaths. In other cultures, they went (practically) extinct hundreds, if not thousands of years ago.

  13. Funny hhh He is a lesson to all rapists

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